If you can't find the perfect full-time position, you can always get two part-time jobs. In fact, some people prefer to work part-time jobs over a full-time one. Whatever your reason for having multiple jobs may be, there are ways to make your situation work. Follow these tips to make the best of working more than one job at a time.
When choosing more than one job, you need to consider several details. For instance, how far is each job from your home? If the logistics are wrong, you'll spend all of your time commuting. Look for jobs that are close to each other and close to your home.
In some cases, you may want one work from home job and one traditional job. Doing so would give you more freedom and allow you to spend less time traveling. If you're lucky, you may be able to find a job with an extremely flexible schedule. For instance, some work from home jobs allow you to set your own schedule.
To successfully work multiple jobs, you need to have goals. The goals should apply to your finances as well as your career. For example, you might have two jobs to pay off a massive debt. Make a visual display that allows you to see how much you've paid off your debt. Doing so will keep you motivated and prevent burn-out. Additionally, it will make it easier for you to see how much you need to work each week.
Career goals ensure that you stay on the right path. As you work multiple jobs, it can be easy to lose sight of your dreams. As you work your jobs, keep your career goal in mind. Look for opportunities that will help you accomplish your goals.
Often, one job is more important than the other part-time position. One job could pay better or have more potential for a long-term career. If this is the case for you, be sure to prioritize. You might need to choose to work extra hours with the more important job, or to devote more of your free time honing your skills for that job.
Before you start either job, consider the stakes. Which job will be your priority? At some point, you'll need to choose one position over the other.
To successfully have two part-time jobs, you need to have organizational skills. Schedule everything as far ahead as possible. If you do shift-work, make sure your hours don't interfere with each other. In the event that you set your own schedule, make sure there's nothing that will keep you from getting your work done.
Being organized can also help you meet deadlines. If you have a detailed schedule, you can see what's due and when it's due. You might have projects to work on, certifications to finish, or goals to meet. When you're organized, you're less likely to miss deadlines.
It may also be helpful to schedule tasks that are unrelated to your work. When you have two jobs, it's challenging to manage your free time. You may need to schedule a time to clean your house, do yard work, and even spend time with your family.
It's difficult finding time for things when you have one job. But when you have two jobs, life gets even crazier. You might start to feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities. As time goes by, your stress levels could go through the roof.
Before you decide to work two jobs, make sure you're in a position to handle it. Don't agree to take on more hours or more work than you can handle. If you do, you'll burn out. Instead of working two jobs, you may end up not working at all.
To prevent burn-out, limit your workload. You should also carve time in your schedule for things you enjoy. This could mean making sure you have at least one day a week or being home a specific time of the day each day. If you make it possible to spend time with your family or enjoy your favorite hobby, you may be able to handle the stress of working two jobs.
Working two jobs increases your income, but it also comes with some unexpected expenses. If you're considering a second part-time job, make sure you think about the following expenses:
If your job doesn't deduct taxes from your paycheck, you could be in for a surprise come tax season. Calculate how much you might owe in taxes, and make sure to save enough money to cover the cost.
Generally, only full-time employees are eligible for health insurance. If you don't have coverage, you may want to purchase your own plan. You could also set aside money to cover out-of-pocket medical expenses. Failing to do so could leave you with thousands of dollars in medical debt.
Another expense you should consider is the child care. If you don't have someone to watch your kids when you're working, you'll need to pay for childcare. This could be higher than you realize. In fact, the cost of childcare may be as high as your hourly wage.
If you have a long commute for either job, the cost of gas or public transportation will add up. Before committing to anything, consider how high your transportation expenses will be. Your new expenses may cut into your salary too much to make the job worthwhile.
Working more than one job means you'll be on the road a lot. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult to eat your meals at home. Your food costs could rise dramatically as you eat out for your meals.
It's important to prepare for all of your expenses. If the expenses of working two jobs is too high, reconsider your decision. That said, you can make it work. Depending on your circumstances, working two jobs could change your life for the better.
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