7 Ways To Calm Your Nerves Before An Interview

7 Ways To Calm Your Nerves Before An Interview

There's nothing that derails an interview like nerves. If you're feeling nervous before your interview, you're not alone. But you also should know that your nerves could be what keeps you from receiving a job offer. By calming your nerves, you improve your chances of getting hired. Follow these tips to make your butterflies go away, and you can ace your interview.

1. Be Prepared

When you were in high school, you probably felt better about an exam when you studied the material. On the other hand, you might have felt anxious when you forgot to study. As an adult, the same principles apply. Your interview is like an exam, and you don't want to be unprepared.

Reviewing common interview questions is one of the best ways to ease any nerves about an interview. As an added benefit, it's also a great way to impress your interviewer. Your poise and confidence will make it evident that you're the right person for the job.

Weeks before your interview, come up with a list of common interview questions. Then, write down how you want to answer each question. Practice your answers, and you can be confident on the day of your interview.

If you have people willing to help you, ask them to host a mock interview. Instead of wondering what your interviewer will ask you about, you'll be ready for anything. By the time your interview comes around, you won't be nervous.

2. Pick Out Your Outfit in Advance

Deciding what to wear for your interview is stressful and probably a source of anxiety. Even if you don't realize it, you're anxious about your first impression. To relieve these feelings, pick out your outfit ahead of time.

First, figure out what your interviewer expects you to wear. The easiest way to figure out the dress expectations is to ask. When they call you for the interview, ask them how you should dress. You should also look at the weather before picking out your clothes.

Secondly, look in your closet. Do you have an outfit that works? If so, try it on and make sure you feel confident. In this case, head to your favorite store and start shopping. Pick out a professional outfit that makes you feel great. The night before your interview, iron your clothes and set them out. In doing so, you simplify the coming morning and can get rid of jitters. Once again, it comes down to being prepared.

3. Have a Checklist

There are quite a few things you need to bring to your interview. On the day of your interview, you might feel nervous about remembering everything. You can prevent the nerves and avoid forgetting anything by making a checklist.

Days before your appointment, create a list of things to bring with you. This includes multiple copies of your resume, directions to the building, and samples of your work. It's also useful to bring a pen and notebook. Include details like charging your cell phone and wasting breakfast on your list to ensure success. Before your interview, go through your list, and you can remain calm.

Your checklist will keep you from forgetting crucial details, and it will put you at ease. It's another way to improve your chances of impressing the interviewer.

4. Do Something Relaxing

Everyone should have an activity that calms then. For some, it's yoga. Others enjoy listening to music or working out at the gym. If you don't have a relaxing activity, it's time to find one. On the day of your interview, your activity could be what keeps you grounded.

If you have an early interview, you may want to do your activity the day before your appointment. In this case, make sure you don't cut into your sleep. It's crucial to rest well the night before an interview.

5. Do Power Poses

If you start to feel better about your interview, do some power poses. Although this is a relatively new concept, power poses shouldn't be overlooked. They make you feel more confident and capable, which is priceless for your interview.

There is an ongoing debate over the effectiveness of power poses. And while there's no proof that power poses work, there is evidence that your body language makes a difference. When you go in for your interview, smile, and have an open posture. Even if it's not a genuine smile, forcing yourself to smile will help some of your anxiety to disappear.

6. Show Up Early

Most people stress about interviews because they fear not having control. And this is a valid fear; there's not much you can control about your interview. In fact, there's only one detail that's completely in your hands - the time you show up to the office.

Make yourself feel less anxious about your interview by taking control. Arrive early and check in about ten minutes before your scheduled appointment. The stress of being late won't weigh you down, and you'll also feel like you have more control over the interview process.

If you show up very early to the interview, sit at a local coffee shop or in your car. Take a few deep breaths and start building confidence in yourself.

7. Know That There are Other Opportunities

If you've been unemployed for some time, you probably feel like your interview is the only chance at getting a job. Unfortunately, this places a lot of pressure on you. The nerves might keep you from performing your best.

Whenever you start to feel anxious, remind yourself that there are other jobs. Even if you can't find one today, there could be a perfect job listing tomorrow. By looking at new job listings, you can remind yourself that there are other opportunities out there.

Go into your interview with the mindset that you want to succeed, but you don't depend on succeeding. With less pressure on your shoulders, you won't feel so nervous.

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