Choosing the Right Skills For Your Resume

Choosing the Right Skills For Your Resume

If it was acceptable to send in a ten page resume, you might not need to worry about picking which skills to include on your resume. You could include as many skills as you wanted without any consequences. However, you need to keep your resume short, or you risk losing the attention of the hiring manager. Find out which skills are appropriate for your resume and which ones you should leave off.

Which Skills Belong on a Resume

On any resume, there are two types of skills. You can classify any resume skill as either a soft skill or a hard skill. Both skills add value to your resume in different ways.

You develop hard skills when you take a class or receive training. Typically, you can measure hard skills or provide some type of proof of knowledge. If you're in a financial position, your hard skills might be financial reporting or cash management.

Meanwhile, soft skills refer to personality traits and characteristics. The skills affect your work style, which is why they are relevant to your resume. In any industry, problem-solving skills, initiative, and teamwork go a long way.

Do They Both Matter?

Although you might think that soft skills don't belong on a resume, you're wrong. Employers realize the value of soft skills, so they look for both types of skills on your resume.

If you have the right combination of hard and soft skills on your resume, you will be highly appealing to potential employers. This is why it's so important to take the time to pick the right skills on your resume.

Which Skills Should You Pick?

Now that you know about the types of skills to include on your resume, you should think about exactly which skills you want to tell employers about. Here are some ways you can pick out skills for your resume:

Look at Job Advertisements

If you want to figure out which skills to include on your resume, take a look at job advertisements. Do employers in your industry seem to look for the same things? Write down the skills that seem echoed in job listings.

Find Matching Skills

After you have a list of important skills, think about your own assets. If nothing comes to mind, focus on your education, volunteer work, and training. Compare your skills to the ones that employers have in their job listings.

Research an Employer

You can also get skills directly from an employer. If you have a desired employer or know the top competitor in a market, research them. Review their website and social media posts, keeping an eye out for words that describe the company or employees.

Don't Lie

As you research possible skills to include, remember that honesty matters. If you lie about one of your skills, you will probably get caught. Employers tend to know when prospective employees are lying. Even if you don't get caught right away, the truth will one day come up.

One way to avoid lying about your skills is to include skill levels. If you're new to a skill, point out the fact that you're a beginner. You should write out the skill and place the "beginner" in parentheses next to the skill.

Someone who can carry on with a skill but isn't quite an expert or advanced has an intermediate skill level. Meanwhile, a person who has a highly developed skill level is an expert. Although you don't need to describe your skills as intermediate on a resume, you should definitely include the expert qualifier. This may be what makes you stand out from competitors.

Where to Place the Skills on Your Resume

After you decide which skills to include on your resume, it's time to figure out where to add them. You can create a skills section or title it "Expertise" or something similar.

The section should have 10 to 15 skills. With a short list of this size, you can avoid overwhelming an employer or having your most important skills ignored. Typically, the best place to have the skills sections is under the career summary or included in a subheading under the summary. However, you can position the section wherever it looks best.

Your skills section should be symmetrical for aesthetic purposes. For instance, you could have two columns of skills with five skills in each column. Another option is to center your list and mark the skills with symbols. If you have highly specialized skills, you should consider separating them from the other skills.

Give Examples

You need to think past the skills section of your resume. In addition to writing out your skills, you should also describe how you use those skills. For example, in the work experience section, you could write down a sentence about using the skill to accomplish a goal. To showcase their leadership skills, an accountant might talk about how they organized training sessions. The more specific you are, the better your chances of an interview or job offer.

Overall, your resume should showcase what you have to offer an employer. The skills section is one of the best places to do that, but it's only a piece of the puzzle. You need to fine tune all of the other areas of your resume to make sure you appeal to prospective employers.

How long have you been looking for a job? Whether you've only been at it for a few days or you've spent months looking for work, you should look over your resume. It's never too late to improve your resume and add to the skills section.

If you're unemployed, you can spend some of your focus on developing skills to add to your resume. The skills make you more appealing, and could be what sets you apart from other applicants. As small as a skills section can be, it's something that makes you unique and matters to an employer.

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