Job Interview Tips: How to Make a Great Impression

Job Interview Tips: How to Make a Great Impression

Are you preparing for an interview? Dressing your best and being confident in your abilities aren’t enough to have a positive impact on the interviewer. If you want to truly impress the hiring manager, you need to take things further. With these tips, you can leave the hiring manager as excited about offering you the job as you are.

Spend Time Researching the Company

When you receive an interview offer, the first thing you should do is research the company. Why would you do this before a job offer? For one, your research helps you say the right thing. You can find out about the company’s mission statement and answer questions in a way that shows your vision aligns with the company’s vision.

Secondly, your research may impress the hiring manager. If you mention something you read in a press release or on the news, you show the hiring manager that you’re serious about the job.

Practice Interview Answers

It’s also important to know how to answer common interview questions. If you prepare for some of the more common interview questions, you’ll appear confident and professional. Your confidence helps you respond to the best of your abilities.

Review the Job Description

Before you go into the job interview, you should know the job description inside and out. Write down some of the key skills and credentials the company wants to see. Then, keep that in mind during your interview and tailor your answers to fit the job description.


When you get ready for the interview, use the STAR method to create stellar answers to questions. This involves explaining the situation, task, action, and result. Using this method, you can paint a clear picture for the hiring manager.

Have a Mock Interview

Ask a friend or family member to assist you with your interview preparations. First, make a list of interview questions. Then, have your assistant ask the questions and you give the responses. At the end of the mock interview, ask for feedback.

Have Your References Ready

If the interview goes well, the hiring manager may ask you for a list of references. You should have that list ready so the interviewer doesn’t need to wait days for a response. Typically, having the list of references with you during the interview shows that you’re eager and prepared.

Bring Examples of Work

In certain industries like marketing and graphic design, you might have a portfolio of work. And even if a portfolio isn’t standard for your industry, you should have a few examples of your projects for your interview. It’s easy to impress the hiring manager when you have real-life examples of your work.

Pick Good Questions

At the end of the interview, the hiring manager will probably ask you if you have any questions. These questions could make or break the interview. Consider asking about the day-to-day tasks, performance measures, and common challenges.

Plan Your Wardrobe

Several days before the interview, think about what clothes you want to wear. By planning in advance, you have an opportunity to try on outfits and go shopping if necessary. Dressing for success is a great way to impress the interviewer.

Bring a Notebook and Pen

During the interview, you should take notes. This shows the manager that you’re attentive, and you can also use the notes later on to write a thank you or follow-up letter. In the notebook, you should also include a few copies of your resume. You can refer to the resume for ideas and be ready to hand them out if the hiring manager doesn’t have a copy of it.

Arrive Early

You should always aim to arrive between ten and 15 minutes early for a job interview. If you’re late for the interview, you would probably be late to work. Arriving early is a sign that you’re punctual and gives you time to calm down and prepare for the interview.


Believe it or not, many job applicants forget to smile. Every hiring manager hopes to hire someone who has a positive attitude. If you can keep a smile on your face during the interview, you improve your chances of a job offer.

Be Respectful to Everyone

From the moment you set foot onto company property, you should be respectful to anyone you encounter. This includes everyone from the parking attendant to the security guard. After your interview, the hiring manager could ask them about their experience with you.

Use Concise Answers

You don’t need to make every answer a story. When you respond to interview questions, keep your answers short and focused. Long answers make it seem as if you’re rambling and unable to focus.

Be Authentic

During job interviews, people tend to say what they think the interviewer wants to hear. And while you should do this to a point, you still need to be yourself. Avoid lying or placating the interviewer. Whenever possible, draw from your own real-life experiences. Resist the temptation to embellish details or twist scenarios.

Connect Your Answers with Skills

When you answer questions, tie your response back to your achievements and skills. If possible, relate those skills to something in the job description. Doing so makes it obvious to the hiring manager that you’re a good choice for the position.

Don’t Be Negative

As previously mentioned, positivity is a trait that most managers want to see. So, even if you’re speaking about your previous employer, you should avoid being negative. Instead of focusing on why you’re leaving your employer, talk more about what you learned from their shortcomings. Most importantly, don’t blame a lack of performance on your previous employer.

Ask About the Next Steps

When your interview comes to an end, ask the hiring manager what comes next. They may then send you a follow-up email with details on how you should proceed. If you don’t ask this question during the interview, you can ask it in an email a few days after. In the event that the hiring manager forgot about you, the email is a gentle reminder.

Do you have any presale question to ask?

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