How Will The Pandemic Change the Way We Work in the Future?

How Will The Pandemic Change the Way We Work in the Future?

Some events change the world forever. The Coronavirus pandemic is one such event, and life may never go back to the way it was. Long after the virus is gone, the workplace could be different. To give you insight into how your work might change, pull out the crystal ball and dive into the future.

The Digital Pivot

After the pandemic, businesses went through what you could call an industrial revolution. There was an immediate shift to a more digital world. Even companies that resisted the digital advances weren't able to put off having a more digital presence. And the companies that couldn't adapt and pivot failed. Non-digital businesses didn't and still don't stand much of a chance against the virus and the restrictions it brought.

In almost every industry, selling in-person is no longer an option. Businesses needed to find ways to sell their wares and services online. While some companies focused on finding online platforms to sell their products, others built or improved their websites.

This brought changes to businesses as well as their employees. Zoom consultations and online meetings became the norm. If employees were unable to make the shift, they too were left behind.

What Changes Can You Expect

Besides the obvious changes, what else might the digital pivot bring? All of the following are examples of how the workplace might be different in the future:

More Protections for Freelancers

During the pandemic, some businesses realized the importance of freelance employees. They also learned that it was crucial to provide some level of protection for their freelancers. As a result, freelancers can expect better pay and benefits.

If you are a freelancer or have considered being a freelancer, now is the time to build your business. There could be new opportunities for you every day.

Lower Pay for Executives

To adapt to a tougher economy, companies lowered the pay of their top executives. While this didn't happen across the board, it was a common occurrence. It's likely that this trend will continue on, and there may not be such a large discrepancy between the pay of top executives and other managers.

Acceptance of Remote Work

This is one of the more obvious consequences of the pandemic. After switching to a remote work model, managers and business owners realized the benefits of working from home. They saw increased productivity and lower overhead costs. In the future, remote work will likely continue to be an option.

Part of the reason for this acceptance is the new technology. Before Covid, technology kept remote work from being a possibility. Employers didn't have the right technology to communicate with their employees, and they didn't have the means to share information safely. However, developments in this space make remote work easier than ever.

Skill Shift

Among the other changes, you can expect a skill shift. With the future of society in question, people are questioning things they once accepted. Instead of just moving forward in a world that has machines replacing workers, people are questioning their role. As a result, they are looking to develop new skills and offer value in other ways.

Upskilling is now a trend and involves people learning skills that machines don't have and can't develop. In 2016, business leaders weren't very open to the idea of upskilling. But today, more industry leaders agree that upskilling is essential.

Strategic Thinking Has Less Value

Meanwhile, strategic thinking isn't as much of an asset as it once was. At one point, strategic thinking was the second-most important skill. Today, it has dropped to the fifth most important skill. While there's no way to be sure why this has happened, there's a good theory. Disruptive thinking is helping businesses thrive, so leaders seek out employees who think outside of the box.

The Technological Changes

The future of technology in the workplace is uncertain, but there are a few things you can be certain of. For one, you can be sure that technology will play an even more significant role in the workplace. To stay connected with your co-workers, you may rely on apps and email. For project collaboration, employers can easily organize tasks and share documents from single platforms.

With the increased reliance on technology, there's also a push for employees to remain on-task. Technology makes it hard for employees to focus on a single task, which can impact productivity. Although technology will continue to play a crucial role in the workplace, some employers may force their workers to spend part of the day disconnecting.

There's also the issue of security. In the workplace, data is secure. But when a worker is on their home computer, the data may not be safe from prying eyes. Currently, businesses are actively improving the way in which they protect their data both in the workplace and at home.

A Realization That Going Digital Won't Fix Everything

Before the pandemic, people saw digital technology as a silver bullet that was untouchable. However, Covid showed business owners that the digital world had limitations and flaws. It's not only about going digital but is about using digital technology in the best ways possible.

In addition to using the right digital tools, employers need to consider how they can implement those tools. A communications app will only benefit an employer if all the employees are trained on how to properly use it. In the future, you can expect employers to be more cautious about the digital technology they use.

What Will the Workplace Look Like in the Future?

So, how will we work in ten years? No one can know what the workplace or home work space will be like in the upcoming years. That said, we do know one thing. The companies that resist the switch to a more digital business model won't be able to succeed. Likewise, the workers who are unwilling to depend on technology or advance their skills won't advance.

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