10 Ideas To Find Work Through The Internet

You probably already know that you can use the internet to search for jobs. That’s not a closely guarded secret and is currently the most common way for job seekers to find vacant positions. However, most people don’t realize that there are other ways to find work online. If you follow any of these ten tips, you may have employers or recruiters reaching out to you with interview requests.

Start a Blog

No matter what industry you work in, you can get noticed by starting up a blog. Why is this? When a blog becomes popular, the blog owner is influential. They develop a large base, some of which include companies and headhunters. Additionally, your blog shows potential employers that you know what you’re doing and can add value to the company.

If starting a blog intimidates you, don’t worry. It’s easier than ever to start up a blog, and you don’t even need to put in a financial investment. You can pick a platform and start writing about a topic you know well!

Make a Personal Website

If you’re not interested in maintaining a blog, you can develop your own website. Your website could be a resource for employers to learn more about you, and it showcases your professionalism. In this day and age, you can create a website for free or for very little money. And you don’t need to know anything about web design to get your start.

Platforms like WordPress and Wix are easy to use and require no programming knowledge. If you want recruiters to find you, then you can use SEO or google ads to attract the right attention.

Use Social Networks

There are multiple social networks out there that you can use to make connections. If you don’t already have an active LinkedIn account, create one and start networking. You can use social networks to connect with like-minded people and employers, and you can share your ideas with others. Furthermore, some companies advertise job openings on these platforms.

You may already have a social presence, but you should still give it some attention. Update your details with relevant information and make an effort to be more professional.

Write for Content Networks

You don’t need to be a professional writer to have articles on the internet. On content networks, anyone can submit content for the world to see. Wikihow, Hubpages, and Scoop.it are all networks that publish writing and give you more visibility. After you do some research on your options, you can start writing.

Make Graphics or Documents

On platforms like Slideshare, you can create your own infographics and presentations. By creating your own files, you give yourself more visibility. Companies might come across your content and realize how knowledgeable you are about an important topic, or a hiring manager might consider you a better applicant because of your skills.

Although there are several platforms you can use to share your files, Slideshare and Scribd are two excellent options. You can also use these platforms to source content for your blog or personal website. The options are almost limitless.

Teach Online

One way to get attention while adding to your resume is to teach an online course. If you’re particularly educated on a subject, you can create an online course for individuals in your field. You can also offer to mentor students and use this as supplemental income. By offering a course, you demonstrate your leadership skills and knowledge. You also increase the chance of a headhunter finding you.

Once again, you have quite a few options for platforms. Do your research and pick the platform that will give you the most visibility.

Write an Ebook

Not everyone wants to have their voice recorded. If you don’t want to build an online course, you can opt to write your own ebook. You might offer your ebook as a free incentive for those who visit your website or sell it on an online platform. As long as you have decent writing skills, creating an ebook is simple work. You can write it with no assistance, hire a ghostwriter, or use an online platform to assist you with the writing process.

Make Video Tutorials

This tip requires you to have some special tools, such as screen recording software and video programs. However, most computers come with this software and even offer free training on using the tools. Your video tutorial is a way to teach other individuals in your industry how to use a certain tool or method. Once again, you can either offer your tutorial for free or sell it on a platform.

If you create a YouTube channel for your tutorials, you could develop a large following. It’s just another way to have more visibility from recruiters and companies.

Be a Podcast or Radio Guest

If you have something valuable to share, you may be able to be a guest on a popular podcast or radio show. You can also share your experience by collaborating with a magazine or newspaper. Because these platforms already have a significant following, you can be sure that the right people will hear about you.

Before you reach out to a podcast host or magazine, think about whether or not they’re political. Speaking up on a political platform could hurt your chances at employment. If possible, stay neutral.

Join New Social Networks

Almost everyone is active on the top three social networks. But what about the less popular networks? Certain networks, like Dribble, are dedicated to niches. You can join a network in your niche and post, comment, and connect with others. As you improve your online presence, you continue to build your brand.

Ready, Set, Internet

All of these tips make you more appealing to employers, and they also improve your chance of an employer reaching out to you. Although all of the tips above take time, they can pay off with a much better job or even a new side gig.

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