11 Ways To Stay Calm and Focused During Uncertain Times

The world is full of uncertainty, and this is the case now more than ever. If the chaos is taking over and you fear for your future, you may need a little help maintaining focus on your work and being calm. Here are a few tips to get you through these challenging times, regardless of what the future has in store for you.

1. Think About Your Sleep

If you don’t get enough sleep, your mental and physical health will suffer. Think about sleep as the foundation of a home. If the foundation isn’t strong, the home will crumble. Your body and mind need sleep, or nothing will work as it should.

People usually don’t realize how poor their sleep habits are. If you suspect your sleep habits are a problem, here are a few simple things you can do:

Avoid screens before bed

Cut out caffeine in the afternoon and evening

Have a strict nightly routine

Adjust your schedule to allow for eight hours or more of sleep

2. Work in Bursts of Productivity

Although this might sound counterintuitive, working in short bursts is more productive than working for five hours straight. When you truly concentrate and focus on one task, you can get much more done. You need to determine how long your work periods should be, and this could involve trial and error.

Whether your bursts of work are 20 minutes or 50 minutes at a time, use your breaks productively. Go on a short walk or talk to a loved one. When your break is over, you’ll be refreshed and eager.

3. Have Boundaries

It’s easy to be overwhelmed when you seem to work all day every day. If you don’t already have strict boundaries, start creating them. Your mental health depends on your ability to turn off from work and relax. Depending on your job, you may need to shut off your phone in the evening or refrain from checking emails on the weekend.

Think about how you can separate your family time from your work time. If you work from home, you need to set clear expectations with your family and coworkers.

4. Have a Morning Routine

Your morning routine sets the tone for the entire day. However, most people don’t have a strict or healthy morning routine. Take some time to think about what helps you be happy and productive. Do you need a big breakfast or time at the gym? Once you figure out your secret recipe for success, set the routine and stick with it.

5. Be Open to New Ideas

Your old way of organization may not be working. If you keep doing the same thing, you won’t see any improvements. Be open to new methods of organization, and test them out for a short period of time. After some experimentation, you might find a technique that works well for you.

You should be proactive about these new methods. For instance, you can ask your coworkers what techniques they use to stay productive and organized. You can also look on social media for tips and tricks

6. Leave Time for You

Between work and family, you might feel as if you have no time to yourself. In addition to setting boundaries with work, you should do the same with friends and family. When you have time off from work, use your time wisely. Make sure you do a few things that leave you feeling satisfied and happy.

7. Create a Community

If you build a community around you, then you can thrive no matter what the future brings. Your community could consist of coworkers or it could be a virtual community of like-minded individuals. In any case, these relationships can energize you. They may also give you a place to vent when you feel overwhelmed, and a place to solve problems when you encounter obstacles.

You can build a community in multiple ways. However, it all starts with networking. Reach out to people in and out of the workplace and start growing your community.

8. Take Action

When life gets difficult, the best way to cope is to take back some control. Doing so keeps you from feeling helpless, which in turn boosts your morale. The next time you struggle, think about the problem. What action can you take to improve the situation?

For instance, you may have a problem with a new policy in the workplace. You could sit and complain to your spouse about it, or you can discuss your complaints with the manager.

9. Have a Calm Workspace

When you work in chaos, you produce chaos. Your mental health and quality of work can improve if you have a calm workspace. Whether you work from home or in the office, you should take time to organize your desk.

Consider what motivates you and incorporate that into your office design. Whether it’s a motivational poster or a picture of your children, display it in your office.

10. Be Grateful

Rather than worry about the future, think about the now. Then, pick one or two things you’re grateful for. For example, you might dislike your employer but cherish the relationships you have with your coworkers. Pick out a few things to be grateful for and use that to motivate you through the tough times.

11. Have Realistic Expectations of Yourself

As life changes, you may not be able to produce the same amount of work as you did in the past. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself or set unrealistic expectations. If you do, you only set yourself up for disappointment.

When things change, you need time to adjust. This could mean a week of adjustment or months of adjustment. If you continue to have unrealistic expectations, your mental health and confidence will suffer. Everyone needs time to get used to a new way of working.

Be Ready for Anything

Finally, you should be ready for change. You might not be able to predict what change is coming next but you can have the right mindset. If you embrace the adjustment, you can succeed.

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