5 Reasons You Are Nervous About Your New Job

Starting a new job should be exciting, and it may very well be. But most people are more nervous than excited. It’s normal to have concerns over starting a new job but it’s not ideal. By understanding those concerns,  you may be able to calm your nerves and prepare for your transition. Here are five reasons you may be nervous about starting your new job.

1. You’re Afraid to Leave Your Current Employer

One of the hardest things about starting a new role is leaving your current employer. If you have a good relationship with your employer, you may not want to leave them in a bad position. You could be afraid to burn bridges or worry that the person replacing you will destroy what you’ve worked for.

Fortunately, you can put this concern to rest. You need to look after yourself before your employer. All companies put their interests before those of their employees. If your employer had a chance to hire someone cheaper and more skilled than you, they would replace you in a heartbeat. You need to be willing to put yourself first. Furthermore, you don’t need to leave your employer in the lurch. If you give them a lengthy notice and offer to help them find a replacement, you don’t need to worry about leaving on a bad note.

2. You Think Your Job is Your Identity

When people become invested in their jobs, they usually feel as if their identity is intertwined with their work. So, you might believe that you’ll lose part of yourself by quitting your job to start a new one. This tends to be the issue when someone is completely switching careers.

Before you get too nervous, remind yourself that your job is just a job. It might be what you do, but it’s certainly not who you are. In fact, starting a new job could allow you to be more yourself than ever. Take some time to think about your strengths and passions. Then, consider how you can use your strengths and passions in your new job. How will you contribute to the organization? And how will this new position allow you to strengthen your identity? Sometimes, self-affirmations can help you prepare for the transition.

3. You Are Worried You Won’t Like the Job

Another common concern is the fear of disliking the new role. Almost everyone fears the unknown. Even if you research a company thoroughly before you accept a job offer, you probably don’t know everything about it. The uncertainty could leave you worrying that you made the wrong decision.

Typically, this is the primary cause of nervousness when someone is leaving a job they hate. The bad experience could make you feel as if you’re the problem. But your negative experience doesn’t need to follow you. Think about why your current job was so bad, and then compare notes with the new position. There should be some major differences between the two jobs, and this should put your mind at ease.

The best way to address this concern is to only accept a good job offer. After you go to an interview, spend time researching the company. Read employee reviews and find out how the company compares with your current company. If you don’t like your employer, don’t accept a job offer from a company that has similar policies to your current one. You don’t need to worry about hating your job if you know what to expect.

4. You Don’t Think You’re Good Enough

For most people, confidence is in short supply. You might worry that you oversold yourself in an interview or that you won’t perform at your best. If you’re nervous about the new job, your feelings could be a result of low self-esteem. Your fear of failure may be the one thing holding you back.

In reality, your lack of confidence could cause you to fail at your new job. Instead of doubting your abilities, think about how you sold yourself during the interview. What skills did you showcase? How can you use those skills to succeed in your new job? If you have any obvious shortcomings, think about what you can do to strengthen your weaknesses. You might be able to take an online course or listen to podcasts to become better. In the event that you still feel self-doubt, remind yourself that you will receive training. No one expects you to succeed without any training.

5. You Hate the Idea of Change

At your current workplace, you have a routine and friends. You know what to expect every day and operate well within your comfort zone. When you start a new job, you lose all of that comfort. This is often a source of worry for people who are about to start a new job.

In this case, you just need to face your fear. First, think about your worst fears. It’s unlikely that your worst fears will come to fruition, but entertain the idea of it happening. Is the worst case scenario you eating alone at lunch? If so, prepare yourself for that. Think about how you could introduce yourself to coworkers and how you might ask to sit with someone. If you’re worried about where to go for a cup of coffee, research the area near your workplace.

No matter what, there will be some level of uncertainty. However, the new job won’t be new forever. After some time, you will have a routine, friends, and more.

Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back

The biggest mistake you could make is to allow the fear of starting a new job to keep you from accepting an offer. Whatever your reasons are for wanting a new job, you deserve a better opportunity. The thought of starting a new job is intimidating, but it could lead to a world of opportunity. If you go outside of your comfort zone, you may end up with a much better job.

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