6 Ways To Impress Your New Boss

When you get a new boss, there's probably one thing on your mind. You want to know how to impress them. From the first meeting to the first few weeks of work, you need to take measures to make a positive impact. With these tips, you can be sure to make the right impression.

Work on Your Personal Brand

If you already have a personal brand, now is the time to let it shine. And if you don't have a brand yet, now is the time to develop one. Think about how you want everyone in the workplace to perceive you. Generally, a personal brand is someone's demeanor, reliability, and appearance.

As you might expect, you want your personal brand to have you come across as dependable and professional. Building your brand is as easy as showing your new boss that you're reliable. Show up to meetings a few minutes early and always dress your best. When you receive a project, complete it well and in a timely manner.

When it comes to personal brands, people often neglect to pay attention to their workplace relationships. Your new boss will pay attention to how you interact with your colleagues. Are you supportive of them, or are you overly critical? Do you act professionally with coworkers, or do you tend to overshare? If you're a champion of your coworkers and manage to be friendly yet professional, you'll impress your boss.

Little Interactions Matter

Even if you don't realize it, your new boss is paying attention to the small details. For the first 90 days or so, expect to be under scrutiny. Act like someone is watching you when you work on projects and interact with coworkers.

If you don't already have a strong personal brand, you can use the new management as an opportunity to change your brand. Think about what your employer or coworkers might not like about you, and think about what you can do to change that impression. A new boss doesn't have an opinion of you, so there is still time to adapt.

Calm Down

Whether it's your first day in a new job or you have a new boss, try to calm your nerves. It's scary knowing that someone is judging you, but don't let anxiety get the best of you. If you're jittery and stressed, others will notice your energy.

Try to remain calm and treat the workday as if it were any other day. If you feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath. You can also practice some quick meditations to start and end the day on the right foot.

If you're a nervous person by nature, you don't need to hide your true self forever. However, try to keep your nerves under wraps for a few months. By then, your boss will have an opinion of you and will pay less attention to your nervous energy.

Use the 70/30 Rule

The 70/30 rule is how you can handle asking questions and sharing information. About 70% of the things you say to your new boss should involve asking questions and finding out how things work. Meanwhile, the remaining 30% should involve sharing information about yourself so they can understand more about your thought process.

If you don't follow this rule, you risk oversharing. It's easy to monopolize a conversation, especially when you're trying to impress a new boss. Unfortunately, your boss could see this as you being arrogant or not caring enough about work.

Alternatively, you don't want to ask too many questions. It's important for your new boss to know about you. If you don't share anything, they could think you're too secretive or have no insight into how you work and think. As with most things in the workplace, you need to find a balance between asking the right questions and sharing enough information.

Do your Homework

When you have a new boss, you need to spend some time researching them and their organization. Spend a few hours researching their background so you know what to expect. Additionally, make sure you grasp the hierarchy of the company. What is your boss' role in the company, and how does that affect you?

By doing your homework, you prepare yourself for what to expect. You also can save time and avoid asking questions that you should know the answer to. With a little background, you can make sure the 70/30 rule covers the questions that really matter.

While researching your boss, keep an open mind. Don't make too many assumptions about them. Instead, take everything you read with a grain of salt. If your boss has a reputation for being tough, wait to formulate your own opinion. They may only be tough on those who don't perform well.

Understand the Company Culture

If you have a deep understanding of company culture, you'll make a great impression on your boss. Before you start the new job, read up on the company's mission statement. What does the company expect of its employees? If you can start off meeting those expectations, you're ahead of the game.

During your first few weeks at the new job, pay attention to everyone around you. It's one thing to understand a company's desired culture, but it's another to understand how a company actually works. Do the actions of the other employees match the company's mission statement? How do respected employees treat coworkers and customers?

It's also useful to analyze the behavior of your new boss and to see how their superiors react. If you know of any other successful employees in the organization, mimic their work ethic and interactions.

Be Yourself

Despite all of these tips, you should still be true to yourself. Yes, you should hide anxiety, imitate the behaviors of respected individuals, and strive to impress. But it's still important to be yourself. Don't hide your personality or your skills. In fact, being yourself could be what makes you stand out in a good way.

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