7 Ways to Quit a Job

Leaving your job is no easy task. Regardless of your relationship with the employer, you have to proceed with caution. You don't want to burn any bridges or gain a bad reputation. Fortunately, there are a few different ways you can quit your job to minimize the damage. There are also a few ways you should avoid quitting, if you want any chance at future employment.

Standard Notice

If you're leaving on good terms and you work for a company with an HR division, you should consider leaving on standard notice. In your HR handbook or hiring papers, you should see something about giving notice of leave. And, in the event that you don't see anything saying a standard notice period, you should assume that it's two weeks.

This approach is best for people who want to come across as respectful and professional. By giving your employer two weeks of notice, you give them enough time to find a replacement or put a plan in place.

Extended Notice

If you're truly grateful to your employer, you can be a little kinder with your notice. In reality, two weeks isn't enough for an employer to fill your position. You can give your employer even more time and offer to stay on until they fill your position. Depending on the situation, you might even offer to train your replacement.

Of course, this isn't always possible. If you receive a dream job offer or have a bad experience at work, you might not want to stay for such an extended period. Unless your boss is happy for you to move on and you can wait to start your new job, you should consider another way of quitting.

Early Notice

Similar to the extended notice method, early notice is a way of giving your employer or HR a warning. Before you start the job hunt, you can let your HR team know that you're looking for a new position. This takes out some of the shock that they might otherwise feel when you put in your notice. When you actually do get an offer, you can remind the HR department of your previous conversation.

This method could backfire if your boss decides to dismiss you sooner than you can find a new position. If you don't have a good relationship with your boss or the HR department, you should avoid this way of quitting.

No Explanation

You can give your two weeks of notice without being too descriptive about your reason for leaving. Why would you choose to be so discrete? If you think your employer might cause trouble for you at your new job, you should avoid talking about your reason for leaving.

You also need to consider your reason for leaving. If you have a good relationship with your boss and fear your reason for leaving will destroy your relationship, you may want to keep quiet. On the other hand, if you're close to your boss and want to show them you value your relationship, you should be honest.

Written Notice

If you don't like to have difficult conversations, you may opt for written notice. You can write your manager an email or just go directly to HR. With this method, there are no lengthy conversations or explanations. You give your written notice and can move on.

With that said, this method shouldn't be something you use to avoid an uncomfortable conversation. It's best for times when your manager is inaccessible, such as when they're on vacation or at a work conference.


Sometimes, people just have enough. If one day, you suddenly feel the need to quit, you might just leave and not come back. However, this is rarely a good way to quit. The only time you should use it is if the employer created a toxic work environment for you. If another employee was the reason for your quitting, you should have a conversation with your boss rather than just leave.

Ghosting an employer is one way to make sure you have no remaining relationship with your employer. As you interview for jobs, you can encounter questions about what happened. You should be ready to give a legitimate reason for your choice to ghost your employer. Otherwise, the prospective employer might worry about how you will treat them.

Burn the Bridge Notice

When some people quit, they decide to do so with a bang. During this type of quitting, the person tries to sabotage the company before they leave. They might say all of the insults and comments that have been building up for years. After this, there's no going back.

If you quit in this way, you have a long road ahead of you. Prospective employers might hear about you and refuse to even interview you because of your actions. Word travels quickly across all industries, so think before you try to sabotage the company.

If you're upset about an incident, your immediate reaction may be to burn bridges. But you need to take time to consider your actions. Before you ruin everything, take a day or even a week to calm down. Then, assess the situation. Would it help to talk to HR? Is there anything else you can do to improve things? After you think about the incident, you can pick a better way to give your notice.

Are You Going to Quit?

If you read this article, you might be thinking about quitting. Long before you put in your notice, you should start planning. What type of job do you want next? It might be time for a career change. If your unhappiness stems from the career and not the employer, think about switching fields.

You should also start applying for jobs before you put in your notice. By doing so, you give yourself more time to find a job, and you put yourself in a better financial position. Instead of scrambling to find work, you can have a job ready and waiting. There are plenty of jobs available, so pick one that checks all your boxes.

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