8 Tips to Advance in Your Entry Level Job

An entry level position doesn't need to be a dead-end job. In fact, an entry level opportunity could be what leads you to a long and successful career. But nothing comes easy, and you need to take some actions to ensure that you move forward and upward. Follow these tips to improve your chances of having a bright future.

1. Look for a Mentor

Advancing in your career isn't something you need to do, or should do on your own. Your best chance of moving forward could be with the help of a mentor. When you have a trustworthy mentor, you can get advice on how to move forward. They've been through what you will experience and may have some invaluable advice on how to handle your career path.

Choose your mentor with care. If possible, find someone in your company to be your mentor. You can also use someone who is with a different company, but in the same industry. Avoid choosing someone who will see you as competition, and only pick someone you trust. To be successful in your career, you need to have a mentor with your best interest at heart.

You don't need to know your mentor. If you're not sure who should be a mentor, turn your search to the internet. Send an introductory email or a LinkedIn message. If they're interested, the individual can meet with you in person. Once a relationship forms, you have your mentor.

2. Don't Wait for Feedback

You could wait around for your employer to tell you about your performance, but there are great benefits to seeking out feedback from your supervisor. First, your initiative will make your supervisor aware that you take your job seriously. Only someone invested in their career will ask for feedback. Secondly, you learn how to improve your performance. Why wait for your annual review to learn how to do your job better? Find out what your employer would like to see, and you can immediately improve.

Finally, your request for feedback puts you on your supervisor's radar. They'll know who you are, and that can make all the difference when promotion time comes around.

3. Make Connections

Even though you may not need connections in your current position, the right connections can help you advance your career. It's never too soon to start networking with other people in your industry. Attend all company events, go to conferences, and visit trade shows. When you're out at events, introduce yourself, and you can start building your network.

You can also focus time on online networking. Thanks to social media and networking platforms, you can connect with people from the comfort of your home or office. Reach out to people in your business and in your industry. When you're ready to leave your entry level position, you'll find it easier to move up.

4. Don't Wait for Work

After you finish a project or assignment, do you sit around and wait for the next one? If so, you should take a more proactive approach. Research what other people are working on, and offer up your services. If there are large projects going on, think of ways in which you could contribute. You might come up with a more efficient process or have insight into a situation.

If there's nothing you can help with, go to your supervisor. Explain that you're eager to take on more work. You can also offer to train in a different area or to take online courses. In addition to impressing your supervisor, your eagerness to learn enhances your own skills.

5. Give Your Company an ROI

Employers look at everything from a financial point of view. So, they look at your worth in the form of dollars and cents. If you're not bringing in more money than your annual salary, then you're not a good investment. Your employer may not keep you around for long.

Take time to think about whether or not you're an asset to your employer. Do you bring in clients? Have you brought new ideas to the table? Are you an efficient worker? If you can't answer yes to any of those questions, you should think of ways to improve your ROI. Whether you take a course or work harder, your efforts could pay off for your employer along with yourself.

6. Make Your Superior Look Good

Your supervisor is the one who will decide whether or not you deserve a promotion. For that reason, you can improve your chance of advancing by making your employer look good. Performing well at work is an easy way to accomplish this goal.

7. Be Open to Any Type of Work

If you feel as if some jobs are beneath you, advancing in your field won't be easy. As an entry level worker, you should be open to learning new duties and making yourself as useful as possible. While you might not enjoy cleaning the bathrooms, doing so with a positive attitude makes you a valuable asset to your employer. Instead of blending in with the workforce, you'll stand out.

8. Always Educate Yourself

Once you get good at your entry level position, you might want to stay put. But you should never be satisfied with the status quo. You should always look for ways in which you can advance your education, and in turn, advance your career. One way to improve your knowledge is to stay up-to-date on industry news. However, that alone isn't enough. Find out about training sessions and classes, and ask for permission to attend.

Even if you can't go to trainings, you can educate yourself. Read reputable blogs and listen to podcasts. With your efforts, you can make yourself a more valuable employee.

Being an entry level employee might not be ideal. However, it's an opportunity to do amazing things with your career and your life. If you follow the tips above, you can advance and eventually make your career dreams come true.

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