Employee Benefits Are Overrated, But We’ll Show You How To Get The Most From Them

From acupuncture and improv classes to free meals and laundry service, today’s employers are offering all kinds of outlandish benefits to attract and retain top talent. What started as retirement packages and health insurance, has evolved into a range of extravagant offerings.

It's about getting the best people, retaining them, nurturing a creative environment & helping to find a way to innovate.Marissa Mayer

While over 90% of Millennials and Generation X’ers say they are more attracted to companies that offer nontraditional benefits and four out of five employers would rather get new benefits over a pay raise, most employees may actually be better off if employers skipped the extensive benefits and instead offered higher salaries. But as long as employers are offering nontraditional benefits, lets look at the ways you can get the most from them.

Plan Your Goals For The Next Few Years

Before you choose a new job, it’s critical to examine your goals and see how your next job can get you closer to them. If you want to earn your masters, look for an employer that will pay for your school. If you’re planning on having a child, extended maternity or paternity leave would be beneficial.

A goal without a plan is just a wish.Antoine de Saint-Exupery
French Writer

Figure Out Which Benefits You’ll Actually Use

Everyone can benefit from free meals and laundry service, but what about a gym membership and childcare? If you don’t have kids, day care probably isn’t very important. And if you have to pick up kids after work, it’s not likely you’ll be hitting the gym. You may go into a new job thinking you’ll use all of these wonderful benefits, but in reality, life will likely get in the way and make taking your employer-offered language courses or free yoga classes impossible. Focus on the benefits you’ll actually use, like a 401-K or dental care.

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.Allen Saunders
Writer, Journalist, and Cartoonist

Remember That Cash Is King

Since working is ultimately about making a living, the benefits that directly contribute towards your finances are most important. Whether a pension, profit sharing, or performance bonus, look for companies who are willing to pay to keep their employees happy. These kinds of benefits also tend to make employees feel more invested in their work, which offers numerous benefits beyond increased income.

When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.Simon Sinek
Author, Speaker, and Marketing Consultant

In Summary

  • Set your goals, and then see which benefits can help you reach them.
  • Be honest with yourself about which benefits you'll actually use.
  • Prioritize financial benefits over lavish amenities.

Find Top Employers With The Best Benefits

You know which benefits are important to you, but do you know where to find an employer that will give them to you? Visit freshcareerfinder.com to find job openings with top employers that offer high pay and comprehensive benefit packages.

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