Everything You Need To Know About A Hybrid Workplace

In 2020, workplaces across the world shifted. They switched from an in-person model to completely remote one. Now, two years after the pandemic, there's another shift. Many employers use a hybrid business model. Employees work from home sometimes and work in the office at other times. Although the exact schedule varies, most employers have more flexible working conditions. But what exactly does that mean for you?

What is a Hybrid Workplace?

Everyone uses the term "hybrid workplace." But what does it actually mean? A hybrid workplace refers to a workplace that allows employees to work from home, work from an office, or both. If you're more productive in the office, you can spend your time there. But if you prefer working from home, you're allowed to do just that.

In a hybrid workplace, you might need to meet in person once a week or once a month. However, Zoom meetings could be the norm. The beauty of the hybrid workplace is that it's fluid. Each company can use the model in a way that keeps its employees both happy and productive.

It's important to realize that only about 37% of US jobs have the ability to be entirely remote. If your employer doesn't offer a hybrid model or has a limited hybrid model, it could be because there's no feasible way to make the switch. You might need to change careers to get into a hybrid workplace.

Pros and Cons of the Hybrid Workplace

Before you start looking for a new job, you should know that there are drawbacks to working in a hybrid workplace. Here's a closer look at the benefits and drawbacks of this type of job:

Save Money

When you work from home, you save a significant amount of money every month. You don't need to fill your car with gas as frequently and you can save money on car maintenance. In fact, you may even pay less for your car insurance without switching providers.

There's also savings in the other expenses. When you work from home, you don't spend as much money on lunches or drinks. You also might spend less on grooming. If you have pets or kids, your new schedule could save you a few hours a week on child or pet care.

Lack of a Dedicated Work Space

Unfortunately, all of those savings come at the expense of you not having your own office. While you might try to make a home office, it may be impossible to get the same quiet and privacy you once had in the office. If you live in a small home, you may not have room for your own dedicated office.

Figuring out where to work and keeping that area organized is one of the biggest challenges of working from home. If you want to work remotely, think about where you will set up your office. A laptop on the kitchen table probably won't suffice.

Better Work-Life Balance

Because working from home saves you so much time on the commute, you can enjoy a better work-life balance. The flexibility gives you more time to spend with your family or to enjoy your favorite hobbies. If you have kids, you may be able to pick them up from school or attend their sporting events.

Less Social Interaction

For introverts, this may not be an issue. But most extroverts struggle to work from home because they miss and crave the social interaction. Sure, you can send a few funny memes or crack some jokes over an online chat. Unfortunately, this may not be enough for you. And on top of not being able to communicate directly with your colleagues, you have fewer interactions with your boss. If you want to make a positive impression, you need to work hard to get attention.

More Productivity

In most cases, people who work in a hybrid model are more productive than those who don't. This is due to the fact that you can pick how you work. If you work better in the office two days a week, then you can set up your schedule to accommodate that. One of the reasons so many employers offer a hybrid workplace is the boost in productivity. After the pandemic, most employers realized that employees work better on a hybrid schedule.

Changing Routines

If your hybrid workplace leaves you at home some days and at work on others, you might struggle with the lack of routine. People who thrive in rigid routines might not like the unknown that could come from a hybrid model.

Tips for Making It Work

A hybrid workplace could be your dream, but it still will come with some challenges. Here are a few tips to keep you successful:

Communicate Too Much

If you don't think you're communicating too much, you're probably not communicating enough. Working from home is difficult because you don't run into your colleagues or boss throughout the day. To keep everyone informed, you need to communicate frequently. Your employer should provide you with the right tools to communicate, so be sure to use them.

Seek Feedback

You probably don't want to be invisible to your boss. To avoid being lost in the fray, you should seek feedback from your manager. Once a week, reach out to them and ask what you can do to develop as an employee.

Create Boundaries

While working from home gives you more freedom, it also might result in you working all day every day. You need to give your body and mind time to rejuvenate. So, set firm boundaries. If your phone rings at 7 pm, don't answer it. Avoid checking your email after a certain time each day. Otherwise, you will always be on the clock.

Build Relationships

Networking is a challenge in the hybrid workplace. If you want to build up your network, remain in close contact with your coworkers. Before virtual meetings, make small talk with everyone.

The Next Step: The Job of Your Dreams

If you love the idea of a hybrid workplace, start job hunting. There are plenty of hybrid options available. Tailor your search to hybrid workplaces and start sending in applications.

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