Everything You Need to Know Reemployment Plans and How You Can Make One

In life, there are challenges around every corner. One of the best ways to overcome those obstacles is to be ready with a plan. Just as you should have an evacuation route for a house fire, you should have a plan for losing your job. Whether you just lost your job or you want to be ready for the worst, a reemployment plan can help you get back on your feet.

What is a Reemployment Plan?

A reemployment plan is a guideline for finding a new job. Similar to a roadmap, the plan clearly shows the steps you need to take to get back to work. Although you can accomplish your goal without a plan, having one makes your life easier.

You might think finding work is a two or three-step process. First, you apply for a job. Then, you go to an interview. If you're lucky, you receive a fair job offer. In theory, that all sounds great. But the hiring process isn't that simple and requires much more work than filling out a few forms.

Therefore, a reemployment plan includes many more steps. It details things like updating your resume, improving your references, and organizing the job hunt. With a step-by-step guide, you can be certain you don't make any mistakes that keep you from finding work.

The Benefits of Having a Reemployment Plan

After you lose your job, stress is at an all-time high. For one, you probably feel financial pressure. You can only last for so long without your income, and the lack of funds sends most job seekers into a tailspin. Unfortunately, the financial pressure could be enough to affect your judgment or cause you to make critical mistakes. If you have a plan, you can avoid the extreme stress and get to work finding a new job.

There's also the issue of organization. After losing your position, life can get chaotic. Between job applications, interviews, and household duties, the days go by quickly. This makes it difficult to find new employment. If you have an organized plan of attack, you can be more efficient with your time. You might be able to find work sooner and with less effort.

When you have a reemployment plan, you can approach the job search with more focus and dedication. If life gets in the way, it's easy to let up on your job search. Additionally, a lack of success can cause you to lose your motivation. If you have a plan to follow, you're less likely to lose focus.

How to Create a Reemployment Plan

If you look online, you can find several resources designed to help you create a reemployment plan. However, you can make one on your own. There's no particular format for a reemployment plan. As long as it includes all the details you need to find work, your outline will be effective.

In your plan, include the following details:


All too often, people overlook the importance of networking during the job hunt. When people are feeling the stress of unemployment, they're even more likely to forget to network. For this reason, it's essential to include networking in your plan.

Before you get to work searching for jobs, focus on your connections. Which contacts can help you find a new position? Reach out to everyone in your network, and you may learn about a new job opening. Former clients, co-workers, and managers may all be helpful contacts. As you network, make use of your social media platforms as well as in-person networking events.

Improve Your References

When you start applying for jobs and getting interviews, you need to provide references. And the list of references you have from three years ago might not be the best way to get a job offer. If you want to appeal to hiring managers, you should have recent references who can speak to your character.

Reconnect with your references and ask one or two recent colleagues to be on your reference list. When hiring managers see reference lists with no recent references, they often assume the worst.

Your Goals

Your plan should be so specific that it includes goals for the job hunt. Every week, you might want to submit 15 job applications. You should also set monthly goals for interviews and any other details that matter.

As you create goals, be realistic. If you set unattainable goals, you will get discouraged. By making reasonable goals, you can prevent being discouraged. And it's also worth mentioning that the job search is about quality, not just quantity. If you send out 30 job applications but don't customize any of them, you're unlikely to get results. You'd be better off sending out ten customized applications.  

Improve Your Resume

Because your resume is the first impression you give a hiring manager, it's a document that deserves attention. Update your resume with your most recent positions and optimize your document. Include essential keywords and take steps needed to get your resume past applicant tracking systems.

Spend Time Educating Yourself

On your reemployment plan, include ways in which you can improve your own skills. Depending on your career, this could mean taking an online course or obtaining a certification.

You may also want to educate yourself on the job search. If you look online, you can find a wealth of resources regarding the hiring process. Check out tips for acing your interviews, ideas for finding job openings, and ways to improve your resume. Include education on your list of goals, and it won't be forgotten.

When to Create Your Plan

It's never too soon to have a reemployment plan. In today's economy, no position is guaranteed. You could have all the job security in the world and still end up unemployed. To save yourself from stress and trouble, create a reemployment plan before you lose your job.

If you never lose your job, consider yourself lucky. Your plan will be useful if you decide to change careers or want to switch employers.

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