How Oversharing Can Hurt Your Job Prospects

When it comes to a job application or interview, you don't have much time. Feeling rushed and anxious, you might be tempted to share as much information about yourself as possible. Unfortunately, doing this can be a mistake. Oversharing is just as dangerous as undersharing, if not even more hazardous to your cause.

In social situations, being an extrovert is beneficial. And it can benefit you during your interview, as long as you don't tell your hiring manager too much information. Telling your potential employer too much of your story could hurt your chances of receiving a job offer. Find out how oversharing can be detrimental to you.

It Creates a Bad Impression

Typically, a job interview is your chance to make a first impression on a hiring manager. Your hiring manager can only glean so much information from your resume, which makes the interview your first real impression. It's the time when your interviewer will form an opinion on you, and that opinion could be what makes or breaks the hiring process.

By oversharing information, you make a negative first impression. Later in the hiring process, the manager might think back to your interview as a sign that you easily lose control. No matter what job you're applying for, an inability to control yourself isn't a favorable trait.

It Shows a Lack of Respect

When looking to fill a position, a company needs to dedicate a significant amount of time and resources to fill the position. As you monopolize the conversation, you show a lack of respect for the employer. You demonstrate that you don't care about their time or efforts.

By oversharing, you don't allow the interviewer to learn everything they need to know about you. They can't make their hiring decision with all the information they need and are even more unlikely to hire you.

It Shows a Lack of Focus

An interviewer will ask very specific questions during the interview. If you answer those questions with too much information, you're showing a lack of focus. It's an indication that you won't be able to stay on topic. If given a project, you might end up getting distracted by something and failing to accomplish your main goal.

To prevent this from occurring, do your best to keep your answers short and to the point. Avoid the temptation to elaborate too much, and don't try to fit anything irrelevant into the conversation. Believe it or not, brief answers show your skills better than lengthy ones.

It Shows You Can't Be Trusted

Even a low level position requires some degree of confidentiality. A restaurant may not want their line cook to give away their secret cooking method. Or, a retail chain might not want a cashier sharing information with a competitor. At a higher level, confidentiality is even more important. If an employer feels as if you can't be trusted, they probably won't hire you.

When you overshare in an interview, you reveal a significant flaw about yourself. You show that you don't do well with confidential information. If you can't keep your own information confidential, how can your employer expect you to keep their information secret? Either they won't hire you, or they won't trust you enough to advance you.

It Shows Lack of Professionalism

While you want your interviewer to see you as a person, you also need to avoid telling them personal details about your life. The interviewer isn't there to learn about your hobbies and family; they're there to find out about your qualifications for the position. It's unprofessional to share your personal life with a hiring manager.

If you overshare, you come across as unprofessional. A person who overshares in an interview is likely to overshare in a business meeting. Your lack of professionalism could be what prevents you from getting the job. In all industries, some degree of professionalism is expected.

How to Avoid Oversharing

Unless you're an experienced hand, you might find it difficult to know what to say during the interview process. You don't want to seem impersonal, but you also don't want to overshare. Finding the right balance is much easier said than done.

To avoid oversharing, keep your answers short but thorough. Use personal experiences in your answer, but don't tell any stories that are extremely personal. Before the interview, prepare yourself for possible questions. Think of the ways in which you can answer those questions without revealing too much personal information.

Keep in mind that oversharing doesn't only apply to the job interview. It is possible to overshare on social media. In this day and age, employers often look at social media accounts and websites to gather information about a candidate. Often, the hiring manager will judge you based on your online presence. If you overshare too much online, a potential employer will know it.

Whether or not you're looking for a job, be wary of placing too much information on your social media accounts. You can still use social media, but keep your personal profiles private. By doing so, you can save your posts and personal photos for friends and family members.

Are You Oversharing?

If you're searching for a new job, it's time to think about how much you're telling interviewers. How is your first impression on the interviewer? Are you telling them stories that are best left for friends and family? Did you say anything about your previous employer that could be deemed confidential?

If you feel as if you are guilty of oversharing, it's not too late to change your ways. Take more time to prepare for your interviews, and choose your answers with care. Don't be afraid to receive advice on your answers by consulting with friends or family members. At times, it takes an outsider's perspective to realize that you're oversharing.

When you don't overshare, you improve your chance of receiving a job offer. It's yet another factor that could prevent you from getting your ideal position.

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