How To Appear Confident In a Job Interview

You've probably heard this all before - confidence is key. Everyone you know might remind you to be confident on your job interview. After all, confidence allows you to showcase your skills and assets. But it's one thing for you to try to be confident and another for you to actually appear confident. With a few simple tips, you can be a more confident you, and show the hiring manager why they should hire you.

Maintain Eye Contact

When you maintain eye contact with When people make and keep eye contact, they automatically seem like an authority figure. Your confidence is easy to fake as long as you can maintain eye contact with your interviewer. Even if you don’t know the answer to a question or you are trying to remember something, don’t avert your eyes.

Of course, there is such a thing as too much eye contact. You don’t want to stare intensely at your interviewer. Instead, keep the contact as natural as possible and avoid a prolonged staring contest. If you need a natural way to break contact, look at your resume or jot down a note.

Have Good Posture

Your confidence is in your body language. If you slouch, you don’t seem to have much confidence in your own abilities. Furthermore, you come across as disinterested and unprofessional.

You can appear confident and eager by having good posture. This means straightening your back and holding your chin up. Whether you’re sitting or standing, be mindful of your posture. One easy way to work on your posture is to practice in a mirror. Set your feet about shoulder-width apart and watch yourself. 1. Make eye contact

Have a Strong Handshake

If you think a handshake is just a formality, you’re wrong. It’s one way an employer can tell whether or not you have confidence. A limp and awkward handshake doesn’t send the impression you’re probably hoping to make. For the best results, you should have a firm handshake.

Allow the interviewer to start the handshake. When you move your hand out, look at the interviewer directly in their eyes. Then, give them a genuine smile and explain that you’re thrilled to be there. If you have sweaty palms, wipe off your hands before you shake.

On average, a handshake should last between two and five seconds. Don’t try to break the interviewer’s hand, but keep your fingers firm enough. If your shake is too firm, it will seem aggressive and cold.

Breathe Properly

No matter how confident you might be in yourself, there will be times when you feel nervous. You could let your exterior falter, or you could just practice some breathing techniques. Because being nervous affects the blood flow from your brain, you can breathe your way back to normalcy. Proper breathing brings oxygen back to your brain, which allows you to refocus and regain composure.

Not sure how to breathe properly? Breathe in through your nose until you have enough air for your stomach to expand. Then, exhale slowly from your mouth. Do this three times and think calm, confident thoughts.

Don’t Fidget

Twirling your hair, tapping your fingers, and tapping your feet are all examples of fidgeting. If your interviewer sees you fidget, they will know you’re nervous. Don’t give them reason to believe you’re anything less than confident, and avoid fidgeting.

This is easier said than done because most people don’t even realize they fidget. If you tend to tap your fingers, hold a pen in your hands. If you tap your foot, put your hand on your leg and apply pressure. As long as you are mindful of your fidgeting, you should be able to overcome it.

Practice Your Answers

Before you give a big speech or presentation, you probably practice it. This is because practice makes you confident. For the same reason, you should practice how you plan to answer interview questions. Write down common interview questions along with the answers.

Then, find a friend or family member to interview you. If possible, answer the questions without looking at your notes. On the day of the interview, you won’t be as nervous and will have more confidence.

Speak Slowly

People who are nervous speak quickly, while ones who are confident speak deliberately and slowly. As you answer questions, stop yourself from rushing through it. You can pause for a few seconds after a question to gather your thoughts and determine your answer.

You might not have an answer for every question, and that's OK. Rather than rush through a muddled response, you can ask the interviewer for some time to think of an answer. At times, it's acceptable to say that you don't know an answer.

Dress Appropriately

Your clothing could be what makes you appear confident. Before an interview, spend time deciding how you want to dress. Pick an outfit that makes you feel confident about yourself and allows you to showcase your professionalism.

Because dress codes vary significantly by industry, you should research the specific dress code of your company. Is it formal, business casual, or even more relaxed than that? If you can't find a dress code, stick to a more formal look. Just don't go overboard and show up in a tuxedo or ball gown.

Have Positive Thoughts

It's impossible to seem confident if you have a cloud of self-doubt over your head. So, build up your confidence with positive thinking. Several days before your interview, write down positive affirmations. Whenever you start to doubt yourself, remember those affirmations.

At times, it helps to say them in the mirror. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable and whatever you feel will get you through the interview. Positive thinking makes it difficult for you to doubt your abilities.

Ready to Go?

These simple tips are all you need to boost your confidence, or at least seem as if you're confident. The next time you have an interview, your confidence could be what wins over the hiring manager.

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