How To Change Careers During Uncertain Times

It's never easy to change careers. However, switching careers during uncertain times is particularly difficult. In addition to all of the typical challenges facing you, there's the additional obstacle of finding work in an unfavorable labor market. If you're interested in a new career during these uncertain times, you should proceed with a strong plan. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Evaluate Your Current Situation

Before you decide to switch careers, you should think about the present. Even if you're set on changing careers, now may not be the right time to do it. You may need to take certain steps to prepare for the career swap. If you want to be successful, you need a firm plan and you need to be sure that you don't just need to switch employers.

Start off by asking yourself if a career change is necessary. Why do you want a new career? If you don't get along with a coworker or you dislike your company's processes, you might be happy by finding a new employer. There could be a much easier alternative than starting over.

Do a Professional Audit

A big part of switching careers is knowing your strengths and weaknesses. Before switching careers, know your qualifications and skills. Will they help you in your new career goals? Create a list of all of your soft and hard skills.

Additionally, think about the skills you want to develop. In your new career, you'll have an opportunity to learn a variety of new skills. Your list should overlap with the required skills of your new profession. If they don't, you might be looking into the wrong career.

It's equally important to know your accomplishments. When you try to change careers, you'll need something that makes you stand out from other applicants. Your accomplishments could do just that. Although some of your skills may not transfer to the new job, a lot of them will.

Consider All Careers

Before you box yourself into one specific career, think about all of your options. When the economy struggles, some industries suffer. Is there a job in a recession-proof industry that you would want? If so, you could make the career transition easier.

Take time to explore your options. Research the top careers during a recession and make a list of the careers that interest you. Then, add all of your dream jobs to the list. Cross off all of the careers that don't interest you, and then evaluate which careers speak to you the most.

Be Realistic

As much as you might aspire to be a lawyer or doctor, those careers may not be realistic. When you change careers, you often need to develop certain skills or obtain certain certifications. This could mean going back to school, taking an online course, or taking an exam.

If the requirements for a career change are too much, you may need to reconsider. Make sure you're willing to put in the money and time necessary for your switch. Otherwise, you could end up wasting your effort on a dream you only partially accomplished.

Research the Industry

To give you an advantage and prepare you for a tough job market, spend a significant amount of time researching your new industry. Find out what employers want to see of their employees. When someone first starts out in the career, what sort of education and experience do they have? You should have a resume that meets all the requirements of an entry-level employee.

Your knowledge of the industry can also make you sound more prepared for the transition. If you're aware of the latest news, you can use the knowledge to help you stand out during an interview.

Use the Right Search Tools

Once you're ready to take the plunge, you need to have the right tools to find a job. You can't rely on a search engine to find your next job. If you want to have access to the best jobs, you need to use the right platforms.

If you have any contacts in the new industry, ask them where they look for job openings. You should also familiarize yourself with the top job search platforms. The best platform will give you a variety of job listings in your desired industry.

Update Your Resume

Before a job search, you should always update your resume. This tip is more important than ever when you're switching careers. A hiring manager doesn't care what you did in your previous role; they want to know what you can do in the new career.

Edit your resume to show your full potential. For many individuals, this means highlighting your soft skills. You should also think about hard skills that translate from one career to another.

Set Goals

As you search for a new job in your desired industry, create goals for yourself. How many job applications do you want to submit each week? There's no right answer to this question. Rather, you need to think about what works with your schedule. If you're working full-time, be realistic about your limitations.

If you don't set goals, you could let the job search suffer. It's important to give yourself clear expectations and to handle the job hunt like a job in itself. When you set goals, remember that it's about quality and not just quantity. You should take time to customize your resume and cover letter for each job.

Follow Up on Applications

If you submit applications and sit around waiting for someone to contact you, then you're missing opportunities. Employers often receive hundreds of applications for each job opening. They can't keep up with all the resumes and interviews.

To make sure you don't get lost in the fray, follow up on your applications. Keep track of when you applied and when you should follow up. If you send an email asking for an update or for feedback, you could get an interview offer. Don't let the hiring manager forget who you are.

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