How to Deal With a Boss That Doesn't Like You

No matter how great you might be at your job, there's a chance you could have a boss that doesn't like you. Whether they assign you all of the worst jobs or they won't give you the time of day, your boss might make your work day miserable. Find out what you should do to improve the situation.

Find Your Cheer Squad

Even though your boss might not like you, there are probably a few people in the office who see your worth. If you can think of anyone in management who supports you, work on maintaining that relationship. You need all the support you can get, whether it's someone to celebrate your success or someone who speaks highly of you to the rest of the team.

This is where networking comes in. If you are social and go out of your way to build connections, you can find your own support system. When your boss tests you down, your cheerleaders will pick you up. The positivity can help you make it through the tough times. Eventually, your team may stand up for you to your boss.

Your supporters don't need to be in your workplace. If you can't find anyone in the office to support you, talk to former colleagues and classmates. You might have an old professor or former boss who is happy to be there for you. When you need to vent, you'll have a safe place.

How to Find Supporters

Still feeling lost? If you're not sure how to find supporters within your company, be proactive. Ask other employees if you can help them with their projects. When they see how eager you are to assist, your coworkers are more likely to be on your side.

Don't limit your offers to people in your own department. If you want to leave your current position, you should help out in other departments. By learning another job, you make yourself a candidate for a lateral move. One day, you might be able to get away from your current position.

Work on Building Trust

You shouldn't just assume that you can't repair your relationship with your boss. Rather than suffer on a daily basis, take measures to improve your relationship. One of the best ways to do this is to build trust. If your boss trusts you, they may start to give you better opportunities. More importantly, they might change their opinion of you.

In order to build up trust, you need to communicate. For starters, give routine updates on projects. If micromanaging has been an issue, your updates could bring an end to the pestering. Over time, your boss will trust you more and intervene less. Then, you can enjoy a much healthier environment.

Demonstrate Your Accomplishments

Although you might be a humble person, resist the temptation to hide your accomplishments. Your boss might not have any idea about what you're doing. If you begin to discuss your accomplishments, you might earn more respect from your employer.

This is a tough one because you also need to be humble. If you send an overzealous email every time you do something you're supposed to do, you won't be very successful at impressing your boss. Casually mention your accomplishments in a way that doesn't seem too arrogant. It's all about balance.

Be Confrontational

When all else fails, you may need to be confrontational. This is particularly important when your boss is exhibiting obvious signs of favoritism. If you've tried the tips above and nothing works, have a conversation with your boss. Don't be accusatory, but bring up your concerns.

Before you go into the discussion, have a plan. Think about what you want to say and how you can say it in a way that doesn't come across as rude or insubordinate. For instance, you might explain that your current tasks aren't the type of work you want to be doing. By explaining the tasks you do want, you open the door for change.

Create a list of talking points and practice them before you speak with your boss. Then, schedule a meeting with your boss. You don't necessarily want to ambush your boss with this conversation. Furthermore, avoid scheduling this conversation during a busy time. You want your boss to be in the best possible mood.

It's possible that your boss isn't aware of your skills. As a result, they could be underutilizing you. Explain more about your skills and goals, and your employer might treat you better. Oftentimes, a boss appreciates having an open conversation with an unsatisfied employee.

Be Honest

During your conversation, be honest. You shouldn't try to sugarcoat too much. Because this is probably your last resort, you should put everything on the table.

You may want to ask your boss if there's something you're doing wrong. When you speak with them, tell them that you feel there's an underlying issue. The dialogue could fill you in on something you should be doing differently.

Look for Another Job

If you have a bad boss, you may need to quit your job. This isn't your only option, but it could be your best choice. If you're working with a bad boss, they may never treat you fairly. After years of hard work, you could be in the same boat.

So, start looking for other positions. You don't need to give your notice right away. As you explore your options, send in a few resumes. Find out about the other employees and their work environment. In the end, you could end up with your dream job.

With that said, you need to have an open mind. Is there something you're doing wrong? Or is the job just always that way? Take some time to think about how a new job could improve the situation. Then, think about whether or not you need a career change. In some industries, the work is always menial.

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