How To Deal With Rejection During Your Job Search

No one wants to be rejected for a job, but it's inevitable. At some point in your life, you'll apply for a job and will be turned down for the position. Although you might want to give up when this happens, you shouldn't lose hope. Dealing with rejection is as easy as doing all of the following.

Share Your Pain

Nothing good can come from bottling up your feelings. It's normal to feel rejected after someone rejects you for a position. If you try to repress your emotions, you'll end up stuck in a cycle of frustration and despair. Find someone you can trust and vent to them. If you choose an individual with ulterior motives, they could share your feelings with the wrong person. Word could get around that you don't handle rejection well.

When you share your pain, you'll find it easier to get over your rejection. Instead of dwelling in it, you'll be able to move forward and continue on with your job hunt. The person you speak with may be able to shed some light on the situation. Even though you might know your worth, it helps to hear it from someone else.

Send a Follow-Up Email

After a company rejects you for a job, you probably don't want to ever speak with them again. But that doesn't mean you should go into hiding. Rather than hang your head in shame, respond to your rejection with a follow-up email.

In your email, explain that you appreciate the opportunity. Don't say anything negative about the company, and have a positive tone throughout the email. By sending an email, you show the employer that you're persistent and passionate. While it's unlikely that they'll offer you a job, they might keep you in mind for future opportunities.

Understand the Facts

One of your first thoughts after your rejection could be about your shortcomings. What didn't the hiring manager like about you? Is there something wrong with your personality? But the truth is, you can't blame yourself. There are a million reasons the company chose not to hire you.

For instance, a particular position might have been very competitive. Another candidate may have had more experience or more qualifications. When you start to feel sad about your rejection, remember that it's not personal. Consider how many people applied for the jobs and think about all of your accomplishments.

Know That They Did You a Favor

By not hiring you, the company did you a favor. Maybe the company culture wasn't the right fit, or the job wasn't exactly what you wanted. When they chose not to hire you, they did you a favor. There are always more opportunities available. In the future, you will find a position that's more suited for you.

Every job has its downsides. If you can't remember what the drawbacks are, look at the job listing one last time. Even your dream job isn't perfect, so consider what aspects of the job you wouldn't enjoy. Maybe the hours interfered with dinner, or you didn't enjoy a particular duty. Reminding yourself that you wouldn't want the job can help you over the feelings of rejection. You're not missing an opportunity - you're finding better opportunities.

Take Time for Self-Care

Getting rejected from a job can take a toll on you. After you experience rejection, take time for self-care. Self-care is about doing something you enjoy. So, take some time to think about what would make you feel better. If you have a hobby, take a few hours to enjoy it. You might want to head to a salon for a new haircut or go for a hike in the mountains.

When you do self-care, you get to escape from reality. You might not think about all the stress of the job search. When you're done with your activity, you can get back the job search with renewed energy and excitement.

Analyze the Hiring Process

Once you regain your confidence, take some time to evaluate everything that happened during the job application process. You shouldn't dwell on your mistakes, but you should think about what you can improve upon. If you weren't confident or organized, make an effort to improve on that.

You should also review your resume and cover letter. By fixing any flaws in your documents and improving your own shortcomings, you give yourself a better chance of finding employment. Going forward, make sure you don't make the same mistakes.

Sometimes, an employer is willing to explain why they didn't hire you for the job. This isn't the norm, but it could happen. When this does happen, you should heed the employer's words.

If you take a break from your job search, you won't be doing yourself any favors. Throwing yourself a pity party won't help you find employment. In fact, one of the best ways to get over a rejection is to continue applying for jobs. Once you get an interview, your mindset will improve. Having someone show interest in you as an employee is just what you need.

Don't allow your rejection to halt your job search. When you feel daunted, redirect your energy to looking for a new job. You could come across some better jobs or receive positive feedback. In any case, you'll find it easier to overcome the rejection.

Set Attainable Goals

Another useful way to cope with rejection is to set goals that you can accomplish. Sure, the ultimate goal is to get a job. But you might not reach that goal immediately. To boost your own confidence, try making goals that are easier to attain.

One goal you should consider setting relates to job applications. Set a goal to apply for a certain number of jobs a day or a week. When you reach your goal, you'll feel better about yourself. As an added benefit, you'll be one step closer to getting a job.

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