How to Decide What Jobs To Apply For

As you look through job listing after job listing, you might feel overwhelmed. There's pressure to apply for every job, but doing so is a waste of your time and resources. Only some jobs are right for you, and you're not qualified for every position. Before you lose any more time on jobs that aren't right for you, learn which jobs you should apply for. These tips can help you weed out the perfect positions from a sea of job listings.

Know That Requirements aren’t Always Requirements

First, you should know that job requirements aren’t always what they seem. Although an employer might prefer to hire someone who has certain requirements, they may be willing to overlook them. As long as you can check off most of the boxes, an employer could be willing to hire you.

It’s impossible to say how many of the requirements you need for an employer to consider you as a candidate. However, it’s a general rule that you should have 40% of the requirements. Don’t sell yourself short and fail to apply for a job simply because you don’t have two or three of the requirements. Instead of highlighting what you’re lacking, point out what makes you a great candidate.

Don’t Only Look for Matching Job Titles

There’s nothing wrong with moving to a different position or trying something completely new. But even if you want to have the same job, don’t box yourself in. By searching for jobs that have the exact same job title as your previous position, you miss out on opportunities. Before you start looking for work, think about which job titles are synonymous with yours and which jobs you are qualified for. Make a list and use those titles during the job search.

When you apply for jobs, switch the wording of your resume to match the job title. If there are resume bots, they may scan for the specific job title of your desired position. That said, don’t lie about your experience or change a job title if it’s not a match for the position.

Consider Whether You Know Someone at the Company

You can let your personal network lead the job search. In this day and age, more than half of all jobs are found through networking. If you know someone at a company and they put in a good word for you, then you improve your chances of a job offer.

Take to your network and start asking about opportunities. If you notice a job listing from a company and you have someone in your network at that company, reach out to them. It's possible that they can fast track you to a job offer. Your network is one of the most valuable tools in a job hunt.

Look for Passion

If you want to succeed in a new job, you need to be passionate. So, applying for a job with a company you don't like or enjoy working for is a recipe for disaster. You may end up looking for a new job in a few weeks, or you could be stuck with no upward movement. Even getting through the hiring process is harder when you lack the passion.

For better results all around, look for work at a company that makes you excited. They may be selling a product you love or have core values you share. In any case, you should be excited about working for the company.

Find Jobs in Proximity to Your Home

In theory, a long commute doesn't seem so bad. But in practice, it could ruin your marriage. People who have long commutes don't spend much time at home with their families. Furthermore, they experience more stress during the workday.

When you search for jobs, limit your search to a reasonable radius. Consider the traffic flow and your form of transportation. Can you handle an hour drive to and from work every day? If not, keep your search much closer to home.

Stick to a Salary Minimum

Don't undervalue yourself or let an employer do the same. As you look for jobs, don't apply for positions where you would take a pay cut. Instead, move forward in your career and look for jobs that increase your salary.

If a company is willing to pay you more, they can see your worth. They also are more likely to care about your future. Meanwhile, a company with a low salary isn't likely to care about you. Find out what the average pay is for someone in your desired job and refuse to take less than you deserve.

Search for Jobs With Competitors

If your current employer has a competitor, you should consider looking for jobs with the competition. This shouldn't be your only way of finding jobs, but may be a way to make you a highly attractive candidate. For one, the prospective employer will know you have industry knowledge and the right skills for the job.

Just keep in mind that this could backfire on you. It will most likely burn bridges with your former employer and could even violate a non-compete clause. Before you take this route, read your employment contract and find out whether or not you can legally work for the competition.

Read Employee Reviews

It's always useful to learn about a company before you apply for a job. One of the most important things to research is how the company treats their employees. Thanks to the internet, you can find out more about this with a quick Google search.

If you search for employee reviews for any given company, you'll probably come across a few websites. Check them out and see what employees have to say. Do they pay fairly? Are there multiple negative experiences? In some cases, you might notice that employees rave about their experiences.

If a company treats their employees well, you can expect them to treat you well. When you find a good company, be sure to send in a job application.

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