How To Dress For Work

The way you dress for work could have a significant impact on your career. While your outfits might not seem like a big deal now, your clothing choices could be keeping you from success. By learning how to dress for work, you improve your chances of a bright professional future.

Why Does Clothing Matter?

When people go on a job interview, they usually agonize over their clothing. And there's good reason for this. Your interviewer will judge you based on your appearance. Furthermore, your outfit could give you confidence and make you shine.

After receiving a job offer, people often stop worrying about the way they dress. Sure, you might pay attention to what you wear on the first day of work. But, after that, you may not care too much about your clothing. Unfortunately, this attitude could keep you from reaching your full potential.

If you dress appropriately, you reap the following benefits:

Improve Chances of a Promotion

You never know when you'll run into a manager or someone important. When you dress well, you make a positive impression on others. This makes you more likely to receive a promotion or to receive a raise.

Be More Confident

When you think you look good, you feel great about yourself. And that confidence makes everyone around you feel better about your abilities. You can dress for success and feel better about taking on the world.

Tips For How to Dress

It's difficult to say exactly how you can dress for work, because it's every type of job and company has its own dress code. In most places of business, it's about finding a balance between formal and casual. But what does that mean? With these tips, you may be able to figure out the perfect way to dress:

Check the Dress Code

Your company should have a dress code policy, and this document will tell you everything you need to know. If you have an employee handbook, read through it and look for information on the dress code. Sometimes, you may need to request a copy of the dress code from a manager.

Know the Terms

There are a few key terms you should consider when reading about your dress code. If a company has a business formal requirement, you need to wear formal clothing. For instance, a full suit would qualify as business formal.

Meanwhile, business professional is less strict. It's what you think of when you imagine a traditional office. For this policy, you might wear slacks and a nice button-up shirt. Business casual takes it even more relaxed and is the most common dress code type in places of business. In this type of environment, you can wear slacks and a polo shirt.

Finally, casual means you can get away with other less professional attire. There is no one set of rules for casual dress, so you should ask your boss for more details. In some cases, you can wear jeans or shorts. At other times, you might not be allowed to be that casual.

Watch How Others Dress

When you go to work, take some time to look at the way in which your coworkers dress. Typically, employers want their workers to dress similarly. Pay attention to the type of shoes, pants, and shirts that everyone wears.

You should also look at makeup and accessories. While it's OK to be independent and have your own style, you don't want to stand out for the wrong reasons. Until you're comfortable with the dress code, keep your outfits simple.

Be Comfortable

Although you need to comply with the dress code, you also need to be comfortable. Does your job entail walking for miles every day? If so, you should make sure you have comfortable shoes. Do you need to be active in the workplace? Then, you may want to wear short sleeves.

Similarly, you need to be comfortable with how you look. If you don't like wearing skirts or dresses, wear a pantsuit. Find something that feels good on you.

Maintain Your Clothing

If you dress well but don't care for your clothing, you won't impress anyone. Wash, dry, and iron your work clothes regularly. Even in a casual environment, you need quality clothes.

As soon as you notice stains or rips in your clothing, repair them. You should take pride in how you dress.

Imagine Others in Your industry

It doesn't matter what industry you're in - people probably have an image of what you might look like. Before you dress for work, think of what someone might imagine when they think of someone in your profession. Would the person be wearing a shirt and tie or a polo?

If you know other professionals in the industry, think about what they wear. You don't need to dress exactly the same as them, but use your knowledge as a guideline.

Check for Reactions

The way your coworkers react to your dress is a good indication of whether or not you dress appropriately. However, you may not get regular feedback on your clothing. You can ask your coworkers or supervisors if your attire is appropriate or if you need to be wearing something different.

Even if your coworkers don't say anything, they might have body language that speaks for itself. Do your coworkers smile or seem positive when you walk by? Or have you seen people shaking their heads at your clothing? Pay attention to their reactions and dress accordingly.

Dress for Your Dream Job

You've probably heard of "dress for success." But why not dress for your dream job? If you want to one day be a manager of your company, dress for the role now. Doing so makes it easier for people to see you in the role.

While your clothing choices aren't enough to guarantee you success, they're a great start. If you aren't already paying attention to what you wear, now is a good time to make a change.

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