How to Impress Your Boss

If you want to have a long, successful career, you need to impress your boss. Unfortunately, that's not always easy to do. You may not know your employer's expectations, or you might try too hard and come across as desperate for their approval. To avoid either of those issues, follow these tips and make the right impression on your boss.

Make Notes

On your first day of work, carry a notebook around with you. No matter where you're working, you will have many things to learn. If you don't write down what you learn, you might end up asking your supervisor the same questions over and over again.

Don't only write down processes and procedures. As you record your day, write down the names of people and their roles. Keep track of passwords, important dates, and meeting times. Additionally, make a list of all your questions. It's better to have one list of questions than to ask your employer one question at a time, or to forget to ask your questions

Ask the Right Questions

It's equally important to ask the right questions. If you bombard your supervisor with questions that don't matter, they won't be impressed. Instead, they might be a little annoyed. For a better impression, you should ask smart questions.

Always refer to your notes or hiring packet before you ask a question. If you do a little research, you might find an answer to your question. Your employer will appreciate the fact that you can figure things out on your own and won't mind when you do ask questions.

Talk to Co-Workers

Typically, a good employer will introduce you to your co-workers. But this doesn't mean you shouldn't make an effort to get to know them. Reach out to your new colleagues on your own volition and become part of the team. For the business to be successful, everyone needs to be a team player. If you take the initiative, you show your boss that you're ready to be a part of the team.

Don't Waste Time

Whether you're a new employee or you've been at the same place for years, you should show up ready to work. Some people spend 30 minutes settling into the workplace, but this wastes time. If you have a hard time starting right away, show up to work early.

The same is true of your assignments. As soon as you get a project, start on it. And once you finish an assignment, ask for your next one. Your initiative will make a difference.

Be Visible

It's one thing to show up to work and it's another to be visible. If you go to every meeting but don't say a word, you won't make much of a mark on anyone. During meetings, be an active participant. Answer questions, ask questions, and be social.

Be Invested

Although your employer might allow you to use your cell phone during work hours, you shouldn't use it to do anything but work. Make personal calls and texts when you're at lunch or are done for the day. At meetings, make sure you're equally invested. Show your employer that you care about the company by putting business first.

If you work from home, this can be particularly difficult. Find ways to eliminate distractions and place all your efforts into work.

Have a Pleasant Attitude

If you don't have the right attitude, no one will want to work with you. As much as you might hate mornings, don't grumble about the early hour. The more you complain, the more people will avoid you. Even if your co-workers agree with you, the complaints will eventually get back to the boss. Make an effort to be positive and happy.

Always Have Intention

Your boss watches you more than you think. If you walk slowly to the bathroom or hang out for too long at the water cooler, your employer will notice. Everything you do should be intentional and with a purpose. Although you might not be busy, you'll look occupied and your boss will make note of your work ethic.

Don't Overshare

When you walk through the office door, leave your baggage behind. You don't need to share your marital problems or car repairs with your boss. While you may be close enough with co-workers to share these details, don't talk to your boss about them. Doing so makes it seem as if you are too distracted to work.

Think of Solutions

If you come across a problem, don't immediately run to your employer. Before you go to them with an issue, think about a solution. It might not be the perfect solution, but your suggestion shows your employer that you have critical thinking skills. Together, you can both come up with a solution that works.

Have an Organized Approach

You need a system that helps you stay on top of things. If your boss needs to remind you of upcoming deadlines or has to micromanage you to avoid missing deadlines, you aren't making a positive impression. Keep track of everything that's due and, if necessary, provide your employer with updates. You should also keep your workspace organized because it shows your employer that you're on top of your responsibilities.

Get to Know Your Boss

If you don't know what your boss wants, you can't impress them. To remedy this, you should make an effort to know what your employer wants. What are their priorities and what do they expect from you? Find out what type of work your boss wants to see from you and then be sure to deliver that quality. Rather than getting feedback every time you submit something, you might get a pat on the back.

Support Your Co-Workers

One of the best ways to make an impression is to be supportive of your co-workers. If someone seems overwhelmed, offer to help them. Be the first to volunteer for group projects and always be willing to take on work from your boss.

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