How To Improve Your Well-Being At Work

You spend a significant portion of your time at work. So, it should come as no surprise that your happiness hinges on how you feel when you’re in the workplace. If you want to live a happy and healthy life, you need to make efforts to have better well-being in the workplace. Here are a few tips to get you on a better and happier path.

Have a Sense of Financial Security

It’s nearly impossible to be content if you constantly worry about your finances. If your job doesn’t pay the bills, you will spend more time worrying about your finances than worrying about your job performance. To be focused and perform at your best, you need financial security.

Right now, financial security is a major struggle for many individuals in the workplace. Millennials have high debt, and even high-paying jobs don’t necessarily come with financial stability. If you’re struggling to make ends meet, it may be time to reassess and consider your options.

You could try asking for a raise or exploring jobs with other employers. If you got into a low-paying career, it may be time to research other fields. Once you find a job that offers financial security, you should have reduced stress and better productivity.

Use Mindfulness to Help You Through Tough Times

No matter how much you love your job, there are bound to be challenges. Every day, you face multiple obstacles. And while having a team by your side can help you cope with difficulties, you also need to be able to rely on yourself.

Sometimes, the best way to deal with an issue is to give yourself time away from the noise and chaos. Having colleagues speak to you during a crisis could make a situation worse. If this happens to you, find an empty room and eliminate all distractions. Turn off your phone, close the door, and sit in silence. When you remove social interactions and technology, you allow your brain to process the situation.

If your employer doesn’t have a quiet space, you should ask them about getting one. More employers are starting to realize the importance of having relaxation zones for their employees. You could be the one person who sparks a change for your entire office.

Focus on the Physical

Although your mental health matters, your physical health is just as important. People who work sedentary jobs are particularly hampered by the fact that they sit behind a desk all day. If you want to be healthier and happier, you need to get some form of exercise during the day. Sitting for too long increases your risk of cancer and heart disease.

While you probably can’t quit your job and start working a more physical one, there are a few simple tips you can follow during the day to improve your own physical health. For instance, you could drink more water and less coffee. Every hour or two, take a break to walk around the office. If your company has a movement or sports room, take advantage of the offering.

Natural light can also help with your mood. If possible, take a walk outside and get some sunlight. Your employer can also change out fluorescent bulbs for natural bulbs. This small effort could drastically improve your well-being.

Foster Relationships

If you work from home, this tip is particularly difficult to follow. However, it’s not impossible for remote workers to build relationships with coworkers. You and your managers should make efforts to keep everyone in contact. When coworkers and managers have good relationships, everyone is happier.

One way to foster stronger relationships is to acknowledge your team members. If someone does something great, be sure to give them credit for their action. Mention it at the next team meeting or send an email to everyone. If you praise others, the rest of your team could follow suit. Receiving and giving recognition can deepen bonds and enhance happiness. According to one survey, 40% of Americans said they would work harder if they received more recognition.

You can also go out of your way to connect with coworkers. For instance, you might send an email to a distant coworker on their birthday. Or, you might send a card to a coworker who’s going through a difficult time.

Try to Reduce Your Anxiety

Approximately two-thirds of employees feel as if they are on the verge of burnout. Unfortunately, this burnout is often a result of anxiety. There’s too much going on for some employees to ever feel content, and this not only results in poor performance but also results in health complications. According to a Harvard study, anxiety results in as much as $190 billion in healthcare costs.

Your mental health matters, which means you need to determine the cause of your anxiety and find a way to eliminate it. If you don’t want your job to be a constant source of anxiety, you need to find ways to mitigate the stress. For some, this could mean speaking with a manager about lessening the workload. For others, it could mean going to therapy on a regular basis.

Remember, your employer wants you to be productive. They know that anxiety will keep you from performing, so they may be open to the idea of helping you lessen the stress. When you start to feel overwhelmed, spark a conversation with your employer.

Have a Positive Outlook

When you begin to feel too much stress, stop yourself and think about the situation. Is there a way you can reframe what’s happening? Sometimes, a situation isn’t as bad as it seems. People tend to get caught up in the worst-case scenario, and this causes negative thoughts.

Before you let negativity take over, think about the good. Is there a positive spin you can put on this? If not, think about your desired outcome and what steps you can take to get there. This is perhaps the simplest tip, but it’s also one of the most difficult to follow through with. Make a conscious effort to be positive and it will pay off.

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