How To Land Your Dream Job

You spend more time at work than you’d probably like to admit. So, your job has a significant impact on your quality of life. If you want to be happy, you need a job you enjoy. Most people don’t realize that there’s a perfect job out there for everyone. Although your dream job might seem unattainable, you’re only a few steps away from landing the perfect role. Follow these tips to learn how to get your dream job.

1. Create a Plan

Before you get started, you should come up with a plan. You need to think about what your dream job is and how you can obtain it. Does it need any special certifications or degrees? Write down all of the requirements for the job, along with desired skills and qualifications.

Once you have a rough plan, it’s time to start considering what you bring to the table. Even if you’re new to the workforce, you probably have a few skills that transfer over to your dream job. Make a list of all your related skills, and think about what an employer would find valuable about you.

Now for the hard part. You should also think about your weaknesses. Which areas require improvement for you to succeed in your desired role? There’s always room for improvement, so be critical of yourself. Add steps to your plan that allow you to develop new skills and build on your old ones. If you need a technical certification, add the training to your plan.

2. Work on Your Resume

After you come up with a plan, pull up your resume. If you were planning on using your old resume to get this job, stop what you’re doing. In addition to updating your resume, you also need to tailor it to your dream job. You should find a way to showcase all the skills and achievements that relate well to the position,

You need your resume to stand out. If you don’t have a strong resume, you won’t make it past the first step. Many employers use an applicant tracking system to weed out candidates, and this means your resume needs to appeal to the system. Using the relevant keywords and buzzwords makes all the difference.

3. Inform Your Network

Whether or not you’re an extrovert, you have a large network. All of your time in school and the workforce has allowed you to build up a network of acquaintances and colleagues. When you’re ready to apply for your dream job, let your network know. Someone you know could have a job waiting for you.

If you haven’t stayed in touch with your network, use this as an opportunity to reconnect. Grab a coffee or hop on a Zoom chat. Today, many job listings never even make it into the public eye. Ask your colleagues for help finding an opportunity, and you could be rewarded with an interview.

4. Practice for Your Interviews

An interview is your time to shine. If you want to succeed, you need to practice and prepare yourself. Familiarize yourself with the requirements of your dream job and look up interview questions. Then, practice your answers. If you have a friend or family member who’s eager to help, ask them to host a mock interview.

Before you get offered an interview, you should already be prepared. You never know when a hiring manager will request a last-minute meeting. In order for you to jump at an opportunity, you should always be ready. After you get the offer, spend time researching the company. Read press releases, news stories, and the company website.

5. Plan Your Outfit

If you don’t dress well for your interview, you hurt your chances of a job offer. Think about what you would wear in the office if you get your dream job. If the job requires casual attire, don’t show up in a tuxedo. At the same time, you shouldn’t show up in faded or worn clothes.

Dress nicely, but appropriately. More importantly, dress in a way that makes you feel confident. If you feel confident, you’ll act confident.

6. Give Stellar References

When someone is new to a career, references matter the most. A hiring manager wants to know that you’re the right fit for the role. No matter how well you do in an interview, the hiring manager needs proof. They’ll turn to your former employer for evidence that you’re a good fit.

With this in mind, pick out three references. Then, send them an email or call them. Let them know that you’d like to use them as a reference, and gauge their reaction. Get updated contact information and have the reference list with you when you go in for an interview.

7. Always Follow Up

Every time you send in a job application or go in for an interview, you should follow up with the hiring manager. For most jobs, companies receive hundreds of applications. There’s no guarantee someone will remember to look at your resume or remember your interview.

When you follow up, you keep yourself in the hiring manager’s mind. You also give yourself an extra opportunity. If their original pick for the job suddenly drops out, you could quickly become next in line. It's as simple as sending a short email.

Set a calendar reminder to send follow-ups, or you're likely to forget. Typically, creating a spreadsheet of job listings, application dates, and follow-up dates keeps the process straightforward.

8. Be Persistent

Finally, don't give up. It's easy to lose hope when you submit application after application and never hear back. But stick with the process. If you send out applications every day and customize each application, you'll eventually hear back from someone.

In some cases, you can try cold-emailing companies and asking if they're hiring. Tell them you're pursuing your dream, and ask them if they're hiring. Oftentimes, business owners appreciate the initiative.

Your dream job is out there. It's up to you to follow the above tips to pursue it. With a strong resume, practice, and persistence, you'll go far.

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