How To Manage the Anxiety of Your Job Search

Out of all the things in life that can cause stress, being unemployed may be one of the most terrifying. When you're out of work, your life might seem to be on hold. You can't make plans for the future or know what to expect if you don't have gainful employment. Rather than let the anxiety get the best of you, learn more about how you can reduce the worry that comes with your job hunt.

Understanding Where the Anxiety Comes From

Before you can start managing your anxiety, you need to know where it comes from. There are a few common causes of anxiety during the job hunt. First, there's the waiting. Even when you put in the work, you need to sit around waiting for phone calls to come in. Finding out if you're an interview candidate or if you have a job offer is nerve-racking.

There's often a feeling of helplessness associated with the job hunt. When you're waiting for a phone call, there's not much you can do to speed up the process. Furthermore, you may feel helpless applying for work. It often seems as if the job application process is a puzzle you don't know how to solve.

Other sources of anxiety include the following:

Finding the right career path

Concerns about the employer

Financial worries

Making an impression on the interviewer

Whatever your concerns may be, you need to push them to the side. Your anxiety could hurt you during the job search and may even be the reason you don't get a job offer. Before you proceed, it's crucial to find a way to ease your stress.

Focus on What's in Your Control

People don't always realize how much of the job hunt is in their control. While you can't control what a hiring manager does, you can take measures to improve your results. For instance, you control what goes on in your resume. By researching ways to improve your resume, you increase your chance of catching the eye of a hiring manager.

You also control how you present yourself during an interview. To prepare for the big moment, spend time practicing your interview skills. Review common questions and prepare your answers. While you can't control the interviewer, you are able to control how you present yourself.

Make Milestones

If you're beginning to feel pressured by time, set a few milestones. This ensures time won't creep up on you, and you won't be left with a few days to find a job. To put your mind at ease, create milestones. You probably won't get a job offer overnight, but you will get one over the course of a few weeks if you have milestones.

Come up with an action plan and hold yourself to it. Do you plan to get two job interviews by the end of the week? How many resumes do you want to submit this week? With milestones and a plan in place, you can succeed and not worry about the ticking clock.

Be Realistic

As a job seeker, you probably put a great deal of pressure on yourself. But doing so only adds to your anxiety. You don't need to get a job offer in record time or get a job offer every time you have an interview. Rather than setting the bar too high and being disappointed, set reasonable expectations.

Before you embark on your search, you should remind yourself that it takes the typical graduate three to six months To find work. If one month goes by and you still don't have a job offer, don't lose hope.

Unless you want your anxiety to take center stage, you need to find a way to take pleasure in the job search. It could be something as little as listening to your favorite playlist while you fill out applications. Or, it could be taking time every day to do your favorite hobby.

When you make the search enjoyable, you push your other emotions away. Your stress may be replaced with happiness or optimism.

Don't Forget About Plan B

Going into the job search, you probably have a plan A and plan B job. Most people hesitate to accept a job offer for their Plan B job. However, there's no shame in taking it.

When you know you have other options, the job search becomes less intimidating. You can use your Plan B to eventually get to Plan A, so you're not putting your dreams to the side.

Focus on the Future

If you dwell too much on the past, you could be riddled with anxiety. Try to avoid thinking of what got you in your current position. Instead, focus on your prospects. What does a successful future look like for you? Envision the future and you may be able to forget your current situation.

Whenever you feel yourself losing hope or being depressed about your jobless state, look forward. Perhaps you have a job interview coming up or another opportunity. Your future is bright.

Know Your Productivity

Some people are more productive in the morning, while others perform better at night. To have a successful job search, know your own productivity levels. Search for jobs when you are the most productive and focused.

Make sure you reserve a few hours during your most productive times for the job search. Two hours of focused searching is better than four hours of distraction.

Have Mental Health Days

When you feel overworked or overwhelmed, take a break. You don't need to look for work 24 hours a day and seven days a week. At that rate, you'll burn out and be nervous all the time.

Every so often, take a mental health day. You probably won't miss out on an opportunity by taking one day off from the job hunt. Give yourself a break and take a day to do something you enjoy.

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