How To Perfect Your Presentation Skills

In almost all industries, employees need to know how to be good communicators. You never know when you'll be asked to speak at an event or host a small presentation. If you're not comfortable with the idea of giving a presentation, you should keep reading. These tips for improving your presentation skills can make you a more valuable employee and a winner at presentations.

Understand the Purpose

When you have an opportunity to give a presentation, take some time to understand the purpose. Is it informative? Motivational? You can only create a presentation after you know the purpose.

When you're working on your presentation, you should structure your presentation in a way that allows you to serve the purpose. For instance, the tone of a motivational presentation would be very different from that of an informative one.

Know the Audience

It's equally important to know your audience. Who will be watching and listening to you? You would engage with college students differently than you would coworkers.

When you think about your audience, consider all of the following details:



Knowledge level


Have a Clear Message

Every presentation needs a clear message. Throughout the presentation, you should tie in pieces that convey your message.

At the beginning of the presentation, introduce your main point. The body of the presentation should contain points that support your main point. And finally, in the conclusion, you should reinforce your point.

Your whole presentation should tell a story. Even if you're talking about a mundane topic, treat it like a fairytale from your favorite book.

Use Visuals

People love visuals. While you might have a great speaking voice, it's not a substitute for powerful visuals. Use technology to create PowerPoint presentations and other visuals.

Today, you don't need to be an expert to create a beautiful PowerPoint presentation. Use professional images and don't overdo it with strange text or funky colors. Your visuals should support your main message and words.

Have Good Body Language

When you're standing in front of a large group, it can be difficult not to fidget or look nervous. But your body language is extremely important. While you're standing up, be purposeful about every movement.

Stand straight with your shoulders upright. When possible, make eye contact with your audience. You can't look at everyone. But pick a few sets of eyes to look at. As you make a point, use hand gestures for emphasis.

You should also be mindful of your facial expressions. While you're speaking, show enthusiasm and excitement.

Face Your Fears

If you have a fear of public speaking, you have two options. You can be scared and never live up to your full potential, or you can face your fears head on. Typically, practice is one of the best ways to overcome a fear of public speaking. The more you get in front of everyone, the less you'll be afraid.

Before you give a presentation, imagine yourself succeeding. What would it look like for you to crush the presentation? You can also use motivational mantras to get yourself in the right frame of mind. If you like to meditate, spend a few minutes meditating before your presentation.

Follow the Right Process

The way in which you design your presentation could make or break your success. For starters, you should keep things exciting for your audience. The best way to do this is to prepare ahead of time.

Start off by researching your topic thoroughly. Even if you're an expert in the topic, you should research it. Read books, articles, and press releases. While you research, take notes and cite your sources for later use. If you want your presentation to have an impact, you need to include statistics and facts.


After you come up with an outline for the presentation, you need to practice your delivery. With practice, you become more comfortable with the topic. You'll also learn when you're speaking too slowly or when you need to speed up your speech. If you don't practice, you're more likely to use filler words and sound unprepared.

Be ready for Questions

Your audience will probably have a few questions for you. Before your presentation, think about which types of questions people might have for you. Practice answering those questions and you can avoid being caught off-guard.

Ask for Feedback

After your first presentation, you should seek feedback. Even though the feedback might be negative, you need to hear it. There's always room for improvement, and you won't know how to improve if you don't ask for criticism.

When you receive the feedback, avoid being defensive. Be receptive to what the other person is saying and make adjustments accordingly. Although you might not like what the other person is saying, remain calm.

Avoiding Common Presentation Mistakes

There are a few common mistakes that most public speakers make at some point in their lives. Before you encounter trouble, familiarize yourself with these common mistakes.

Not Being Prepared

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to not prepare enough for the presentation. And if you're not prepared, your audience will be confused or disappointed, or both.

Poor Time Management

When you're invited to speak at an event, you probably are given some guidelines. You might have a time slot as short as five minutes or as long as an hour. If you go over your time, no one will be happy.

Reading from Paper or Slides

If you plan on reading from slides, your audience will be bored. You should partially or fully memorize your script and use the slides to add to it.

No Audience Engagement

You need to find a way to involve your audience in your presentation. This could mean asking questions, using visuals, or telling stories.

Poor Body Language

Fidgeting and slouching both count as poor body language. If you're not careful, you'll come across as disinterested or nervous. Your body language should show confidence.

Ready, Set, Action

Are you ready for your first presentation? If not, what's holding you back?

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