How To Respond When An Interviewer Asks About Your Weaknesses

There are many reasons you should be aware of your weaknesses, and one of those reasons is job interviews. When you look for a new job, you should expect the hiring manager to ask you about your weaknesses. It's a question that will probably make you uncomfortable, but you still need to answer it. Learn more about how you should respond to this awkward question.

Suggestions for Weaknesses

When you think about discussing your weaknesses with an employer, what comes to mind? It’s hard enough to think of weaknesses, let alone discuss them with a prospective manager or employer. Here are a few weaknesses you might have, with tips on how to explain them to an employer.

I Focus too Much on the Small Details

For the most part, employers value employees who are detail-focused. So, by telling an employer you’re too focused on the details, you’re sending the right message. The disadvantage to this trait is that you may spend too much time on small details when you should be moving on to a different project.

When you explain this weakness, talk about your efforts to improve. For instance, you can say that you’re working on focusing on the big picture. An employer won’t see anything wrong with this weakness and is likely to approve of your answer.

I Struggle to Let Go of a Project

It’s a good thing to take ownership of your projects. Therefore, it’s not harmful to admit this to a hiring manager. If you say that you have a hard time letting go of projects, the hiring manager probably won’t react poorly. Of course, this trait becomes a weakness when you are too critical of other team members or you make last-minute changes. The behavior could hold up a project.

If you have this particular weakness, you can point out that it sometimes eliminates errors. But be sure to mention that you’re improving your weakness by working on tight deadlines and being more open to passing your project along. During the interview, make it clear that you won’t let your control issues stop you from succeeding.

I Have a Hard Time Saying “No”

This is another weakness that is usually more of a strength than a weakness. If you can’t say no to managers or co-workers, you’re a team player and have high productivity. Unfortunately, the one disadvantage is overwhelming yourself. Some people who can’t so no end up missing deadlines or burning out early in their careers.

Explain that you’re just eager to take on new projects. As a way to remedy this weakness, you should set boundaries and remind yourself of deadlines.

I Can Be Impatient When a Project Is Delayed

If you fret about missing a deadline, you’re in good company. You can portray this good quality as a weakness because sometimes frustration causes conflict. However, most employers will appreciate the fact that you take deadlines seriously. They feel confident that you will finish your projects in a timely manner and encourage others to do the same.

When you answer this question, tell the employer that you’re improving this weakness by focusing on what you can control. Explain that you’re learning how to contain your frustration.

I Need More Experience

If you use experience as a weakness, be specific. Don’t say that you need more experience. Rather, explain that you need more experience with a particular process, platform, or skill. Once you name the area you’re lacking, talk about how you’re trying to gain experience.

For instance, you may be taking an online course or watching videos on the skill. If your weakness is public speaking, you can discuss your efforts to run more meetings or host more events. Bringing up this weakness is often helpful if you have concerns about not having the traditional experience the employer is used to.

I Don't Always Have Enough Confidence

Typically, employers like to see that job applicants have confidence. But overconfidence is frowned upon, so saying that you lack confidence may help your chances of a job offer. It shows the employer that you’re humble. On the other hand, it does reveal that you may not have the confidence to perform your best.

As you explain this weakness, discuss the ways in which you’re boosting confidence. You might be setting more goals for yourself, cutting out negative thoughts, or using positive affirmations.

I Don’t Always Like to Ask for Help

Do you hate asking co-workers or managers for assistance? If so, you can use this as a weakness in your interview. The advantage is that it shows employers that you’re self-sufficient. Unfortunately, the disadvantage is that you may waste time.

There’s a simple way to show an employer that you’re moving past this. When you talk about your weakness, discuss your awareness of the issue. You should say that you’re pausing and deciding whether or not you should reach out for help with a problem before you waste time.

Tips to Follow Before You Answer

Before you pick a weakness or go in for an interview, you should take some time to think and research. First, consider the company culture. If a company values teamwork, they may not want to hear that your weakness is preferring to work independently. Similarly, a company that has demanding hours won’t like to hear that you want a perfect work/life balance.

You should also write down your weakness in the form of a script. Practice your script several times before the day of the interview, but don’t memorize it. When you answer the question, you should sound natural.

Finally, be confident in your abilities. Even though you need to talk about your weaknesses, you shouldn’t be negative about the discussion. You can turn almost any weakness into an asset, and you can answer this question in a way that makes you shine. Take efforts to boost your confidence before the interview.

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