How To Ride The Emotional Roller-Coaster Of A Job Search Without Losing Your Lunch

Whether you’re fresh out of college looking to jump start your career or are trying to scrape together rent in between jobs, job searches are full of emotional ups and downs that can be difficult to navigate on your own. From anxiety and fear to doubt and frustration, your emotions may run the gamut, but that doesn't mean you have to let them run you. So before you let your emotions win, lets look at a few ways you can keep them in check.

5 Emotions Of A Job Search And How To Handle Them

1. Overwhelmed

You’re low on money. You have bills to pay. The weight of the world is on your shoulders and you’re not sure how much longer you can hold it together. According to, the best way to overcome feeling overwhelmed is to accept the feelings, take a deep breath, and then focus on the task at hand.

Try This:

Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths and try to relax. Once you’ve calmed down, visit and start applying to open positions. Nothing will cure the feeling of being overwhelmed like finding a solution to your biggest problem — joblessness.

2. Fearful

Fear is one of the biggest impediments to success, and when you’re on a job search, the fear of rejection can be crippling. Don’t be afraid of being less than perfect. Don’t be scared of being rejected. An article by suggests you should take comfort in the fact that you will survive if you just keep pushing forward through the rejections. The article quoted bestselling author Lisa Alther, who stated she “wrote for twelve years and collected 250 rejection slips before getting any fiction published.”

Try It Yourself:

If you’re afraid to apply to a job or go to an interview, remember that each rejection is just one step closer to being hired. Also keep in mind the fact that you didn't have the job before you applied and you’ll be just as well off if you don’t have the job after. You have nothing to lose other than a little time. Keep applying to jobs that you’re qualified for and you’ll be on your way to getting hired in no time.

3. Frustrated

You’ve been applying for weeks. You’ve gone to interviews. But when the hiring process is finished, you don’t hear back. You’re losing faith and feeling frustrated. But whatever you do, you can’t give up. So, how do you deal with frustration? recommends you take joy in the small accomplishments and focus on what you want instead of what you don’t have.


No matter how frustrating the job search gets, there will be times for small celebrations. Take pride in meeting your quota for applying to ten jobs a day. Be happy that you got called in for an interview. Even if you don’t get the job, be thankful for the opportunity and keep your sights set on the next one. Learn from each experience and work to improve your interview skills each time.

4. Desperate

If the job search drags on for long, you may begin to feel desperate and willing to take anything that will pay you. While it’s okay to take a job that may feel like a downgrade, it’s still important to make sure you seek out jobs that make sense with your experience and long-term goals. Equally important is to make sure your desperation doesn’t show to potential employers. If employers think other businesses don’t want you, then they likely won’t hire you either. Former hiring manager and current certified executive coach Lisa Quast stresses the importance of only applying to jobs that are a good fit. Focus on discussing the job opportunity and asking questions instead of overselling yourself during the interview. You want employers to believe you have many options and are in high demand.


Instead of telling the employer how much you need a job and that you’d do anything to get hired, show them how your knowledge and skills can contribute to their business. Illustrate how your experience makes you the right candidate for the position. Even if you aren’t the perfect fit for that job, if the hiring manager likes you they will keep you in mind when a new position comes up.

5. Happiness

Eventually, you will get hired, but keeping your emotions in check is still essential to keeping the job. While you should be happy and proud of yourself, humility and grace are necessary as well.

Try This:

Once you get hired, go out and celebrate with family and friends. Then, roll up your sleeves and get to work. Show up on time every day, ask any questions you need to learn how to best do your job, and then do all that you can to perform to the best of your abilities.

In Summary

1. Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths and try to relax. Then, start applying for jobs.

2. Don’t be afraid. Take comfort in the fact that you will survive if you just keep pushing forward through the rejections.

3. No matter how frustrating the job search gets, celebrate your small victories.

4. Instead of looking desperate and telling the employer how much you need a job, show them how you can contribute to their business.

5. Once you get hired, go out and celebrate with family and friends. Then, roll up your sleeves and get to work.

End The Emotional Ups And Downs

Now you know how to navigate the emotional roller coaster of a job search, but that doesn’t mean you should have to do it for long. Start applying to well paid jobs in your area now at

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