How To Stall A Job Offer

In life, timing is everything. And, unfortunately, time is rarely on your side. During the job hiring process, you could have multiple job offers at once or you may be waiting on one position but have other offers coming in. Whatever the case may be, you could be in a bad position. You don’t want to rush to accept an offer, but you also don’t want to miss out on a job opportunity. If you need to buy time, you can stall a job offer.

Should You Stall?

First, you may be wondering if you should stall the job offer. After all, is it smart to turn down an offer? There’s no simple answer to this question. Sometimes, it’s best to accept an offer while you have it. But there are circumstances under which you should stall and wait to accept an offer.

It all depends on your situation. Think about why you would want to stall the offer. Are you uncertain about the position? If so, you should take your time to research it and make an educated decision. You never want to accept a job offer if you have serious doubts.

If you’re waiting on a dream job interview or offer, you deserve to give yourself a chance. You could spend the rest of your life wondering what would happen if you waited. As long as you can afford to stall the offer and you have a reason to do it, then you should consider using the tactics below.

Be Thankful

First, be very thankful to the hiring manager and company. They spent time and money on the hiring process, and you should let them know that you appreciate it. If you don’t come across as grateful, the company could decide to move on to another job applicant.

One way to approach the matter is to say the following: “I truly appreciate the offer and am very excited. That said, I need a little time to make an educated decision.” You should also give them a specific date for your decision, which allows them to know that you won’t string them along. No matter what, an employer won’t give you months to make up your mind. Keep your timeline realistic and well-thought-out.

Find Out What You Need

If you’re not ready to accept the job offer right now, think about what’s missing. Is there something that would make you accept the offer today? Make a list of details that would make you accept the offer on the spot.

Then, look at your list. Is there a chance the employer might be willing to give you those elements? Or is your list far-fetched and unrealistic? If you’re being reasonable, the hiring manager might be willing to make some changes to the offer. And if you’re being unreasonable, think about your alternatives. You might not want to stall the job offer.

Ask Questions

One way to buy time on a job offer is to ask questions. Using your list from above, ask the hiring manager a few questions about the offer. Do you have uncertainty regarding the schedule or benefits package? It may take some time for the hiring manager to get answers.

Of course, you should avoid wasting time. Don’t ask any questions you have the answer to, or make it seem as if you’re stalling. Employers don’t appreciate obvious time-wasters.

Tell the Truth

You don’t need to lie to the hiring manager. When you ask for more time, tell them that you want to know all of your options. As much as you don’t want to make the wrong choice, neither does the hiring manager. They don’t want to hire someone who will quit in a few weeks or months.

Therefore, it’s acceptable to say that you’re waiting to hear back from other companies. Just be cautious with your wording, and don’t make it sound as if this one job offer is your fallback. Instead, tell the hiring manager that you want to compare all of your job offers and make the best possible decision.

For this method to be effective, you need to do your best to schedule your interviews closely together. A company won’t wait too long for you to get job offers. However, they may be willing to give you a week or two if they feel you are a strong candidate and a valuable employee.

Offer to Speed Things Along

If you’re waiting for a particular job offer, reach out to the company. Be diplomatic about it, but offer to help speed up the process. If the company says no, leave it alone. But you can mention that you have a job offer and would prefer to work with them.

Whatever you do, don’t give either company an ultimatum. If you tell a hiring manager that you need an answer by a certain date, you can expect a rejection letter. The same will occur if you put too much pressure on the company.

Don’t Mislead Anyone

When you receive a job offer, don’t be misleading. If you don’t want the job, tell the hiring manager. It’s rude to string along a company, so you should be as honest as possible. If you really can’t imagine yourself working for someone, then decline the job offer.

The only time you should accept a bad offer is if you have no alternative and if your financial situation requires it. Otherwise, politely decline the offer. You should also avoid accepting an offer unless you have every intention of taking the position. Don’t accept an offer only to quit when you get a better offer. When you take a job, you should intend to stay there for years.

Be Kind

In general, a little kindness goes a long way. Your kindness comes across in your words and your tone. When you’re speaking with the hiring manager, be respectful and courteous. This makes them much more likely to agree to give you more time to accept the offer.

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