How To Use ChatGPT For Your Job Search

As technology advances, the job hunt changes. Both employers and job-seekers alike use new technology to improve the process. One of the most recent changes is artificial intelligence. For some time now, employers have been using bots to filter out job applicants. But now, AI can help job seekers. Learn more about ChatGPT and how it can affect your job search.

What Is ChatGPT?

In late 2022, the founders launched ChatGPT. This software has gone viral, and you’ve probably heard it mentioned once or twice. Because the software is so popular, it can be difficult to access. You may need to wait as long as one hour to access the software.

So, what does the software do? If you’re willing to wait for access, you can use ChatGPT to do things like write college papers. The software searches texts from 2021 and prior so you can learn about companies, write cover letters, and prepare for interviews. Fortunately for you, the software is as easy to use as signing up.

How You Can Use the Software

If you’re looking for a job, you should make use of all the technology that’s available to you. And that means using ChatGPT for any of the following tasks:

Research a Company

The last thing you want to do is waste time applying for a company that’s not a good fit for you. When you find a job listing, you can use a search engine to learn about the company. However, Google and other search engines require you to use very specific terms in your search. On ChatGPT, you can type in the company’s name and get much more information along with action steps.

For instance, you can ask ChatGPT, “Who was X’s CEO in 2019? The software immediately gives you the answer to your question, while a search engine would give you links to websites and you’d need to sift through those links to find the answer. Ultimately, ChatGPT gets you the answers you want about a company without you needing to sift through pages and pages of text.

Keep in mind that the software only searches through data from 2021 and earlier. Therefore, you might need to do a little extra research to make sure nothing has changed since 2021. The software can still save you time and make your research much easier and more efficient.

Cover Letter Writing

Since the launch of ChatGPT, people have been using the software to write documents. In fact, reporters have used the software to write cover letters. The letters sometimes lack the emotion that recruiters want to see, but they’re a great starting point. If you’re tired of spending hours crafting the perfect cover letter, you can use ChatGPT to simplify the process.

First, you need to input some details about yourself. Then, the program takes your details and makes a more refined statement. You tell the software what to do. So, in this case, you would input a few sentences and then say “Expand this into a cover letter.” After a few seconds, the software gives you a cover letter. As mentioned above, the cover letter might not have enough personality to impress a hiring manager. You can then take the verbiage and add your own flair to it.

Another similar use of ChatGPT in the job hunt is to create a catchy email title. If you want to grab someone’s attention, you can type your intended subject line into the software. Then, you can get suggestions for more creative subject titles. Using ChatGPT for the job search might not just save you time, but could also make you stand out more than other candidates.

Prepare for Interviews

If you want to impress a hiring manager, you need to spend time preparing for the job interview. And unless you’ve been on many interviews or have experience working in HR, you probably need a few tips on how to ace an interview. You can ask the software, “How should one prepare for a job interview?” After you read through the tips, you can use ChatGPT to follow through and begin your preparations.

For instance, one common interview tip is to research the company. If you get very specific with your ChatGPT search, you can get more insight into your specific industry. For example, you could say, “Common interview questions for accountants.” The software will then give you a list of questions specific to accountants. Once you have those questions, you can prepare your answers for the interview. You could even take it one step further and ask the software for responses to those questions. However, the software won’t be able to incorporate information only you know.

What you shouldn’t expect is for ChatGPT to grade your answers appropriately. Usually, the software grades answers as satisfactory because it’s only a text creator. Although technology is useful, it’s no substitute for human input. You can use ChatGPT to help create interview answers and then have a mock interview with friends or family members.

Using ChatGPT the Right Way

If you’re planning on using ChatGPT during the job search, you should know one thing. There’s a right way to use the software and a wrong way to use it. Artificial intelligence is no substitute for the human brain and it doesn’t have any human emotion. While the software can help you, it isn’t something you should solely rely on.

As you search for jobs, you can use ChatGPT to learn more about a company, create a cover letter, and prepare for the interview. However, you still need to be proactive and take matters into your own hands. Spend a few minutes adding personality to your cover letter and making it sound more like you. When you’re preparing for an interview, ask a friend to help you by asking you a list of interview questions generated from ChatGPT. This combination could be what you need to end up with a job offer.

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