How To Write a Case Study For a Prospective Employer

If you want a way to impress a prospective employer, you may need to think outside of the box. One of the best ways to make a positive impression is to write a case study. Although this is easier said than done, this guide tells you everything you need to know to get started.

Know Your Audience

First, you need to know your audience. Before you begin writing, think about your intended audience. Are you writing to a corporate manager or a small business owner? The content of your case study will depend on the audience. For the document to be effective, you need to customize it to your specific audience.

After you identify your audience, think about what they want. What concerns do they have? If you're uncertain about those concerns, talk to people who are in the industry. You can also follow those individuals on social media. By paying attention to their posts, you can learn what prospective employers might care about.

Reading blogs can also give you an indication of your audience's concerns. Once you have enough information, you can move on to the next step.

Find the Problem Statement

Take a look at your list of prospective employer concerns. Then, think about how you can address each concern. How could your experience help? If you don't pick your problem statement carefully, your case study won't mean anything.

When coming up with a problem statement, consider how you can measure your success. You need a measurable goal, and not an intangible one. Instead of saying you want to improve sales, say that you want to improve sales by 30%. Don't choose a problem that you can't address with numbers.

Analyze the Situation

Next, you should do an analysis of the situation. Specifically, think about what the employer did to get where they are. How did someone diagnose the issue, and what did they do to attempt to remedy it? It's equally important to think about the "why." Why did they choose that solution?

If you have a hard time analyzing the situation, ask for help. Sometimes, a fresh pair of eyes can make all the difference. You need to figure out why the problem still exists.


The next step is to build on your theory. By now, you have a theory relating to why the employer is having a specific issue. You can move onto the execution stage of your case study.

Ask yourself a few simple questions. What wins did you pinpoint? Which assets did you find and how can you leverage those assets for the sake of the theory? Which roadblocks stood in your way, and what steps did you take to overcome them?

Document the Win

If you want a case study to be effective, you need to document the achievements. However, it's not as easy as you might think to accomplish that. You should avoid exaggerating your accomplishments but also avoid underrepresenting your accomplishments.

To achieve this balance, quantify your results. While it's great to say that you boosted company morale, that's not tangible. A better way to handle the situation is to take a survey before and after you problem-solve, and then use those results to show how much you boosted morale. Graphs also work well to illustrate your success.

Depending on your industry, you may want to document your success with pictures. This works well for visual improvements and for those in the art or design space.

Use Comparisons

As previously mentioned, numbers are a great way to demonstrate your success. But some numbers need more context. If you say that you sold 1,000 items, what does that mean? Is 1,000 a low or high number? To give the number more meaning, compare your sales to someone else of a similar level.

It might take some time to find comparisons, but the time is worth it. If you really want your case study to make a difference, you need to put effort into making it effective.

Don't Short Sell

Humility is a great asset, but you shouldn't let your humility get in the way of your case study. As much as you may want to give credit to your coworkers, don't tell a prospective employer that it was a "team effort." Take credit for your part and give credit where it's due.

When you avoid taking credit, you come across as lacking confidence. Be willing to acknowledge your success and don't brush off a compliment.

Include a Call to Action

At the end of your case study, include a call to action. You need to tell a reader what they should do next. For instance, you may be able to offer a free consultation. Give the reader some indication of what you expect them to do next.

If you don't have a call to action, the reader will read the case study and then do nothing. All of your work will be for naught. For the maximum impact, think about how you can prompt the reader to act.

Be Ready to Impress

Your case study might not be enough to get you a job but it may get your foot in the door.  If you're looking for a new position, you need to do more than write a great case study.

For one, you need to network. Reach out to people and let them know that you're looking for a new position. Share your case study with them because you never know who else they might share it with.

If you get an interview, show up early and dress for success. Prepare for the interview long before the day arrives. By practicing mock interview questions, you can be ready for anything.

Ask for Help

When you're writing your case study, don't be afraid to ask for help. The same is true of the job search. You're not alone. Use all of the resources you have available to help you find a dream job.

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