Legal Marijuana Jobs Are On the Rise

Across the country, more and more states are legalizing medical and recreational marijuana. As states vote to legalize the sale of cannabis, there's a sudden demand for employees. Cannabis-related jobs are abundant, with about 77,000 industry jobs created in 2020. Learn more about the growth and how you can take advantage of it to start a new career.

A Growing Industry

Today, there are several hot industries. The brewery and vaping sectors have performed well for several years, bringing jobs to cities and towns in the U.S. But the cannabis industry is taking the lead by creating new jobs.

Some of the jobs in the industry are general, such as marketing and sales. Others are more specific to the cannabis industry. For instance, marijuana growers, extraction personnel, and compliance specialists are all industry-specific. If you're looking for a new career, there might be a path for you in marijuana.

Of course, getting into an industry like this comes with challenges. Because it's such a new industry, the marijuana industry doesn't have many experienced employees. In fact, most people don't know much about the job availability.

Another issue is the legal aspect of things. Although many states legalized marijuana, the federal government hasn't yet legalized it. There are complex laws and regulations regarding marijuana use, and they vary from county to county.

Tips to Finding Work in the Marijuana Industry

If you're interested in taking advantage of a growing industry, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances of a job offer. All of the following tips can help you:

Know the Terminology

Whether or not you're familiar with using cannabis, there is some terminology you may not be aware of. First, it's crucial to understand the difference between CBD and cannabis. You can buy and sell CBD products without a marijuana license as long as there is no THC in it. And that brings us to the next term - THC. Found in medical and recreational marijuana, THC is a compound that causes a high.

If you're not already familiar with marijuana and its benefits, you should start studying up. Before you apply for jobs, you need to understand the industry and what it does for people. With a little research, you can educate yourself and impress a hiring manager.

Keep Your Record Clean

For some jobs, your criminal record is irrelevant. Unfortunately, this isn't the case for medical marijuana. You usually need to have a clean record to be able to work, and you can count on a hiring manager to run a background check.

That said, nothing is set in stone. You may be able to get work with a misdemeanor conviction. However, most states don't allow people with felony convictions to work in the cannabis industry. In the event that you have a felony conviction, you should speak with an attorney to learn more about your options. An expungement could clear your record and allow you to work in the industry.

Expect Uncertainty

According to the federal government, marijuana is still an illegal drug. While cannabis dispensaries are able to operate in states legally, the federal law complicates matters. Until the federal government passes a law to legalize marijuana, the future of the industry is in limbo.

Don't let the uncertainty stop you from joining in on a profitable industry. There's a major push towards legalizing marijuana on a federal level, and it may only be a matter of time before the industry can expand even more.

Be Willing to Move

Although the marijuana industry is popular in most states, some states haven't legalized cannabis. If you live in one such state, you need to be willing to move to get involved in the industry.

On the west coast, the cannabis industry has been booming for years. But there's also an advantage to working in a state

like Florida, where the industry is starting to take off. Keep an open mind and you may find an incredible opportunity in another state.

Look Up the Salaries

The salaries in this industry vary significantly based on the job title. Before you start applying for jobs, learn more about the salaries for each position.

If you're a receptionist in a dispensary, you may only make about $23,000. But, as a manager, you could stand to make closer to $100,000. Jobs in cultivation and production tend to pay particularly well, so don't forget to look into those.

Think About Your Interests

While the pay matters, your own satisfaction is more important. You shouldn't only think about the salary when you try to pick out your job. What sort of role do you want to have? Do you enjoy working with people, or do you prefer working alone?

Because the industry is growing so quickly, new roles appear on a regular basis. You don't need to be an entrepreneur to make your way to the top of the industry. If you find the right position with the right company, your passion and skills could get you on a successful career track.

Know It's Not All Fun and Games

When most people think of the marijuana industry, they think of relaxation and fun. But the industry is similar to every other industry in that it takes work. If you work in a dispensary or production facility, you need to be professional and have a strong work ethic.

If you only want to get into the industry because you love cannabis, you may be in for a rude awakening. The industry may be profitable, but it's hard work. You should make sure you have the skills and interests to succeed before you embark on a career in cannabis.

If you want to try something new, consider looking for a job in the marijuana industry. All it takes is one job search to find the perfect position.

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