Make Your Job Search More Effective: 15 Keyboard Shortcuts You Can Use

Technology can be a huge help for a job seeker. And while you might be aware of how search engines, spreadsheets, and phone reminders can assist you with the job search, you may not realize that keyboard shortcuts can be just as useful. Find out which keyboard shortcuts you can use to simplify your job search.

One of the first shortcuts you should know about is the quick link menu. With this shortcut, you can access all of your Windows tools. If you need to shut down, view events, or manage devices, you can do so from this menu. Accessing it is as simple as pressing the Windows logo and “X” simultaneously.

2. File Rename (Windows)

As you work on your resumes and cover letters, you can use this shortcut to make your life easier. Click “F2” after you highlight a file, and then you can rename that file. When you have multiple files to rename, this shortcut can save you several minutes. You can also click the “Tab” key to move on to the next file.

3. Password Reveal (Windows)

If you ever have issues with passwords for job search engines, email accounts, and other secure platforms, this shortcut might help. When you log in, you can hit “Alt” and “F8” when your cursor is in the password field. This combination displays your password, which could help you find an error in your password field.

4. Enlarge a Window (Windows)

If a window is too small to allow you to clearly read the job listing, you can maximize the window with a simple shortcut. Click the windows key and the up arrow to spread the window to fit the entire screen. With this shortcut, you can also minimize distractions that keep you from focusing on the job hunt.

5. Switch Between Apps (Windows)

It’s easy to swap between open apps with this shortcut. If you’re looking at job listings and working on your resume at the same time, you can click the “Alt” and “Tab” keys at the same time. Then, you can keep clicking the Tab button until you get to the application you want.

6. Open Task View (Windows)

If you have a newer Windows computer, you may have an open task view shortcut. This view makes it possible for you to manage all of your open applications from one place. To access the open task view, you can hit the Windows button and the “Tab” key simultaneously.

7. PC Lock (Windows)

When you take a break from the job search, you may want to save your progress but still lock other users out. The PC lock function makes this possible. When you click the Windows button and the “L” button, the computer locks itself while saving your open applications and tabs.

8. Underline (Windows)

You may have a few things you need to underline on your job search documents. To save time and prevent underlining with your mouse and multiple clicks, click “Alt” and then press the underlined letter to navigate the menu. There’s no need to use the mouse at all.

9. Open Task Managing (Windows)

If you have too many applications open, your computer could run too slowly. Oftentimes, this happens when people are applying for jobs and need to have multiple applications open. The “Control,” “Shift,” and “Escape” keys bring up the open task manager, which allows you to look at your CPU and network usage. Then, you can close the applications you don’t need and speed up your computer.

10. View/Open Clipboard History (Windows)

During the job search, copy and paste could be your best friend. Fortunately, you can save yourself time by copying and pasting text from previous interactions. Windows stores the text, and you can access it by clicking the Windows key and “V.” Once you do the shortcut, you can view all of your previous clipboard transactions and select the one you want to use.

11. Minimize Windows (Mac)

If you want to minimize one window so you can swap off with another one, you can click the combination of “Command” and “M.” Doing this combo allows you to minimize your current window to show your previous windows. If you need to minimize all of your open windows, add “Option” to the combination.

12. Open Spotlight (Mac)

As a Mac user, you can take advantage of the Spotlight feature. Only available on newer Macs, this feature shows you setting options, files, and more. To access Spotlight, you need to click the “Command” key as well as the spacebar.

13. Force Quit (Mac)

When you’re applying for jobs, computer troubles are more frustrating than ever. Use the “Command,” “Option,” and “Escape” keys together to get to the force quit menu. From here, you can restart your computer even if your mouse isn’t working. Although a force quit isn’t ideal, it could save you from staring at an unresponsive screen for several minutes.

14. Switching Apps (Mac)

Switching from one application to another can be quick and easy with the “Command” and “Tab” keys. By hitting the keys simultaneously, you can view a bar that shows you all of your application icons. Keep the “Command” key down and click “Tab” to move between the different applications. Once you find the right application, let go of the “Command” key and the application should open.

15. Log Out (Mac)

Whether you need to log out so you can answer a phone call or take a break, you can do so quickly with this shortcut. Log out of your account by clicking “Shift,” “Command,” and “Q.” Then, you can rest easy knowing that no one else can access your computer.

The Benefits of Shortcut Keys

All too often, the job search can get overwhelming. You might submit hundreds of applications before you get a job offer. For this reason, you need the job search to be as efficient as possible. These shortcuts might not get you a job offer, but they can certainly speed up the process and make your life easier.

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