More Jobs Are Moving Back To the US From Overseas

For years, outsourcing has been a common theme among employers. When labor costs were too high in the US, employers decided to send their jobs and manufacturing to other countries with lower costs. But now, there’s a new trend and it’s bringing jobs back to the US. Insourcing is increasingly common, and jobs that were once outsourced to China and other countries are now insourced to the US. Learn more about this trend and how it could impact job seekers.

What is Insourcing?

Insourcing is also known as reshoring. According to one survey, 37% of manufacturing executives are jumping on the trend and moving production back to the US or are seriously entertaining the idea. And with so many companies interested in inshoring, it should come as no surprise that there's a good reason for the trend.

Although jobs and manufacturing have been outsourced to a variety of countries, China has been the most popular country for it. The cost of production there had been so low that shipping costs weren't an issue. However, this is no longer the case. In China, the cost of labor has gone up by as much as 10% in the last year.

To account for the high costs, American companies are now trying to bring production back to their backyard. They're finding ways to manufacture goods in the US at lower costs than China and other countries.

Why Is Insourcing Happening?

The US is likely to move about 350,000 manufacturing jobs from overseas to the US. And there's more than one reason for this. First, there's the issue of the supply chain. The pandemic was the initial cause of supply chain issues. As materials became less available, some manufacturing came to a total halt.

The supply chain issues didn’t stop there. As the war in Ukraine has pushed on, the supply chain has weakened more. Some materials that are available in the US are no longer available in other countries. By outsourcing their jobs, American companies have encountered more trouble than they would if they had left their manufacturing in the US. But there’s more than the supply chain causing concern to executives.

The Taiwan and China Conflict

Recently, there’s been an escalation of the conflict between Taiwan and China. If the problem persists, manufacturing in China could be disrupted. Companies are taking a risk by keeping their operations in China. Unless there is a resolution to the conflict, more companies will consider inshoring.

Additionally, the US may work closely with Taiwan. Currently, Taiwan is the largest chip supplier in the world. The US and Taiwan have already discussed a trade agreement, which would make it easier for American manufacturers to obtain chips.

Made in America Initiative

Walmart has a $350 billion initiative that they announced in 2021. With this initiative, the company expected to bring over 750,000 jobs to the US.

Slow Production

Due to a variety of factors, overseas manufacturing has taken far too long for companies to succeed. Delays in shipping and supply chain issues resulted in production and delivery taking months at a time. For most companies, this timeline is unrealistic. Even though it costs more to produce in the US, companies can make more money inshoring because they have inventory quicker.

Obstacles That Come with Inshoring

While inshoring has made big news over the past year, it’s been an upwards trend for about three years. In 2022, there were almost 360,000 extra jobs as a result of inshoring. These numbers are impressive, but that doesn’t mean that inshoring is feasible for everyone. As of lately, there are many challenges associated with inshoring.

For one, the supply chain is still weak. Companies can’t always find the materials that they need to make their goods. In some cases, supplies are easier to source in other countries. If a company wants to insource, they need to find a way to obtain reliable sources of materials. A disruption in the chain could completely stop production.

Another issue is inflation. Although inflation is worldwide, it’s still a problem that American companies are dealing with on a daily basis. Shifting manufacturing to the US comes at a higher cost, and combining that cost with inflation means much higher operating costs. In some cases, there’s no room to pass those costs onto customers.

The Worker Shortage

Perhaps the most significant challenge with inshoring is the worker shortage. In the US, there’s a labor shortage. Because inshoring brings more jobs to the United States, it only causes increased job availability. There aren’t enough workers to fill the positions.

Even as employers offer higher wages, workers aren’t filling the vacancies. If a company shifts manufacturing to the US, it may not be able to find someone to work in its factory. There just aren’t enough people looking for jobs to support so many new vacancies. And as hard as some companies are trying to entice workers, there seems to be no solution to the employment problem.

As you might expect, keeping jobs overseas means companies don’t need to worry about filling vacancies. Labor shortages aren’t as big of an issue in places like China.

What Does Inshoring Mean for You?

As an employer or job seeker, inshoring can affect you. More jobs in the US means more options for you. If you’re not in the manufacturing industry, now might be the right time to consider a career. Employers are working hard to offer benefits that get workers excited to work for them. In some cases, they offer sign-on bonuses.

The salary ranges for manufacturing jobs vary greatly, but the pay rate is extremely competitive now. Once again, employers in manufacturing want to lure employees to work for them. If you’re looking to earn more money, you should look into a manufacturing job. You could get a pay increase as well as some appealing benefits.

If you have no interest in working in the manufacturing industry, you can still benefit from insourcing. Companies in all industries are trying to attract workers by offering competitive salaries and benefits.

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