Should You Quit a Job You Just Started?

You finally get a job offer and spend a few days in the workplace. But then, the unthinkable happens. You realize that you're not happy. It could be due to a toxic work environment, a narcissistic boss, or unmotivated co-workers. In any case, you're probably wondering what to do next.

The Trouble With Quitting

If you're thinking about quitting your new job, take some time to reconsider. There's a good chance that leaving will affect your future. You may need to include the job on your resume, or you risk having a gap in employment. Unfortunately, a short stint with a company is a red flag for a potential employer.

You can be sure the person looking at your resume will ask about your employment history. If you don't have a good explanation ready, you won't have a chance at getting a job offer. And coming up with an explanation is no easy task. You don't want to be too negative during your interview because it sets the wrong tone. For this reason, you should think carefully about how you explain your short employment stint.

Of course, there may not be any benefit to staying in a position you hate. If you don't enjoy your job or the workplace, you won't perform well. This could keep you from getting a promotion or from building up a portfolio. When you eventually decide to find a new job, your manager won't be a good reference.

Other Consequences of Quitting

All of the following are other problems with quitting a job you just started:

Get Blacklisted: You never can tell where opportunities will present themselves. In a few years, the employer you're leaving could have a great job offer available. But, by leaving so early, you risk being blacklisted.

Ruin Your Reputation: The company you leave isn't the only business that will have an opinion on your early departure. Depending on your industry, the word can get around quickly. Business owners and managers might think twice before hiring you based on your decision to quit.

Financial Implications: There are several financial implications to quitting. If you received a sign-on bonus, you could lose it when you quit. You might also lose relocation expenses or unemployment benefits.

Is It Worth Quitting?

Unless you have a crystal ball, you can't be certain what the future holds. To help you decide whether or not you should quit, you need to assess the situation. Consider all of the following details:

How Long You Lasted

You might hate your new job after two or three days. However, that's not enough time to truly know if a position is right for you. Before you call it quits, wait at least two weeks. There's always an adjustment period, and barring any major conflicts, you should wait a minimum of two weeks before you give up on a job.

Whether or not the Description was Misleading

Sometimes, a job listing doesn't match the actual job. At times, an employer hires someone for one job but actually assigns them another role. In addition to being frustrating, this scheme can also ruin your career goals.

If you believe the employer wasn't honest about the job opening, it's OK to quit. A future employer should be understanding of your reason for leaving.

If You Have Other Offers

After months of searching for a job, you might not be in the financial situation to quit and look for new work. So, before deciding to leave, you might want to think about whether or not you have other offers.

If you have a current and better offer than your job, there's no shame in quitting. Your employer won't have your best interest at heart. When finding work, you need to put your needs first. Don't hesitate to take a better offer.

Your Values

Do you feel as if the new job is compromising your values? If so, don't hesitate to quit. Illegal or immoral activity isn't something you should be around, and it could come back to haunt you.

Your Mental Health

If a job is too stressful or frustrating, your mental health will suffer. Above all else, you should consider your mental health.

Will you be able to perform your job for a few years without being miserable? If not, the emotional and mental toll could cause you to burn out. As a result, you might stay from your career path or underperform. Your quality of life will also suffer.

Quitting the Right Way

If you do decide to quit, there's a right and a wrong way to do it. First, make sure you give notice in person. Sending an email about quitting is unprofessional, as is allowing your boss to hear the news from someone else.

When you speak to your manager, maintain a positive note. You shouldn't insult anyone or pinpoint problems with the company as you explain your reasons for quitting. Instead, keep your speech simple. Explain that you're sorry, but you think it's best for you and the company if you leave.

You should also write a letter of resignation. Typically, you need to provide an employer with both verbal and written notification of your intent to leave. Make sure you speak with your employer and write the letter at least two weeks before you intend to depart. If possible, stay on even longer.

Make a Better Decision the Next Time

As you begin your search for a new position, be mindful of your choices. Don't apply for jobs that don't meet your wants and needs. Think about the red flags you noticed with the last position, and be on the lookout for those and other red flags during the hiring process.

Before you accept a position, ask the hiring manager questions. The more questions you ask, the more you can learn about the company. When you make an informed decision, you probably won't need to worry about quitting anytime soon.

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