The Right Way to Accept a Job Offer

If you thought you were in the clear when you get a job offer, you're wrong. The job offer isn't the end of your job hunting journey. Until you actually accept the offer and start the job, you still have some work to do. Learn more about what you need to do to accept a job offer the right way.

Bringing the Journey to a Close

By the time you actually get a job offer, you've probably put in a great deal of effort. You may have spent hours on crafting a resume, practicing for an interview, and picking out the right interview outfit. But all of that work is for naught if you don't accept a job the right way.

Most people overlook what it takes to accept a job offer. Although simply saying yes will get you a job, it's not always in your best interest. By taking a little extra time before you accept the offer, you can set yourself up for success.

So, what will happen if you don't take caution when accepting a job offer? First, you could end up with less money than you deserve. While you might be grateful to have a job, you shouldn't just take the first offer you get. You need enough money to meet all of your expenses and shouldn't settle for less than you deserve.

Secondly, you might make a bad first impression. Do you really want your new employer to think less of you, or to need to overcome their initial impression? For the sake of your future, you should kick off your relationship the right way.

Finally, nothing is set in stone. If you don't get an offer in writing or follow the proper steps, you could end up missing out on the job. It's in your best interest to accept an offer a certain way before you move forward with your career.

What You Should Do Before You Accept an Offer

When an employer comes to you with a job offer, you should be ready to act. The first thing you need to do is ask for the offer in writing. Sure, an employer could still choose to rescind their offer. However, getting the offer in writing makes it more concrete.

Having a written offer also allows you to review the offer. Over the phone, you might not be able to catch all of the details. Or, you may not remember everything you discussed. With a written offer, you can have a complete breakdown of your salary, start date, and more.

As excited as you might be about your new job, don't quit your current position until you get a written offer. Imagine quitting your position only to find out you don't actually have a job waiting for you. If the employer rescinds the offer or there was some type of misunderstanding about the start date, you could be left with no income. You should be certain you have a great job offer before you put in your notice with your current employer.

Negotiate If Necessary

Do not make the mistake of accepting the first offer that comes your way. In most cases, there's some room for improvement. The employer doesn't want to offer you the maximum possible salary they can offer. In fact, they may expect you to negotiate for a better deal.

Negotiating the terms of your employment is essential. However, it is a balancing act. You don't want to come across as greedy or unprofessional. Before you negotiate, research the typical salary, benefits, and signing bonus for someone in your role. If possible, compare the details to someone in your area.

If you're nervous about negotiating your terms, make an effort to research tips and tricks to new hire negotiations. Speak with colleagues or mentors and ask for advice. In the end, your negotiation skills could get you much better terms.

Share Your Excitement

During the negotiation process, things might get heated. Don't let that ruin the relationship with your new employer. After you formally accept an offer, move on to the next stage of your career - making a great impression. Tell your boss how excited you are about the opportunity.

You want your employer to be confident about their decision. To accomplish this, work on getting your pre-employment paperwork done quickly. If your employer asks you to do something, don't waste any time.

Have a "We" Mentality

After you accept the job offer, you shift from a "me" to a "we." You're part of the team, and let your new coworkers know that you are ready to work together. Whether you need help with something or someone asks you to help them, be willing to collaborate.

Both your actions and your words can showcase this mentality. When you submit a presentation, say "we've done a great job with this." When you look at the future projections, say "we're doing great." As far as your actions go, be proactive. Ask your co-workers how you can help and jump headfirst into projects.

This isn't advice you should only follow when you begin working somewhere. For the duration of your career, you should have an "us" mindset. It can drive you forward in your career by making it easier for co-workers and employers to see your value.

Beginning Your New Job

After months of the job search, you are probably thrilled to start working. Let your passion shine through and don't let fear keep you from success. If you can remain confident and excited about your new position, you could have a bright future ahead of you.

With that said, don't ever become complacent. It's always a good idea to update your resume every few months. Keep track of your major accomplishments and milestones. In the future, you can use them as a reason for a promotion or a reason for a new employer to hire you.

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