Tips On How To Change Your Career

People often think of changing their careers but don't usually flow through with the thought. More often than not, figuring out how to go about the change is what keeps people from making the jump. If you're considering a career switch, follow these tips to help you follow through with the decision and make a smooth transition.

Consider Your Current Level of Satisfaction

Before taking the plunge, the first thing you should do is analyze your current situation. Keep a daily journal of everything that happens at work. Are you content with your day-to-day duties? If not, what don't you like about your job?

Before you choose a new career, you should make sure the new path won't give you the same headaches as the old one. For instance, you might dislike dealing with customers on a daily basis. When you pick a new career, you should avoid jobs that involve frequent customer interactions.

Sometimes, individuals aren't aware of what they dislike about their job. By recording your grievances, you make it easier to pinpoint your issues. This can make all the difference when it's time to find a new job.

Know Your Strengths

It's also helpful to consider what you're good at. If you're not sure of your assets, sit down and think about your past. What were your most outstanding achievements? Don't only consider your prior employers; you should also think about past volunteer work and former hobbies.

When you pick a new career, make sure it plays to your strengths. If you want to succeed in your career, you need to have the right skills. While some skills are easy to learn, others are more innate. If you can learn the skills you need for a job, it may be time to set your sights somewhere else.

Research Other Professions

Don't only limit yourself to one other career choice. If you're serious about changing jobs, keep your options open. Research a variety of different careers and pick a few options that work well with your talent and lifestyle.

For ideas about new careers, ask your friends, family, and network. You may even want to consult with a career coach. If you look online, you can find a career assessment that points you in the right direction.

After you make a list of a few professions that might work for you, do more research. Before you change careers, you should be sure that it's right for you. Make a note of the Salary, schedule, and working conditions.

Talk to a Mentor

While the internet has a wealth of information about careers, you can't learn everything you need to know from the web. You should also rely on a mentor to help you pick the right path.

If you don't already have a mentor, you can start the search for one. Use your network to find someone who can give you guidance. There's a good chance that you know someone from college or from your career who is willing to answer your questions about a new career.

You can also depend on LinkedIn or another social media platform to find a mentor. If you come across someone in your desired career, send them a message. Ask them for help and determine whether or not the career is what you want.

Shadow Someone in the Workplace

This isn't always an option. However, if you have spent some time networking and making a good impression, you might be able to shadow someone in the workplace before you pick a new career.

As you shadow someone, you learn what to expect and how to handle yourself. The fear of underperforming or being unprepared will disappear. You also learn what you can expect on a daily basis and whether or not the job is what you think it is.

If you are in college, you can ask the career services counselor about shadowing opportunities. And, if you're already in the workforce, you can ask a friend or family member to allow you an opportunity to shadow them.

Experiment Around

You won't find the perfect career

right away. When you start contemplating a new career, don't limit yourself. Volunteer at several different places or take on a part-time job somewhere new.

These experiences are what will help you find the right fit. If you don't like a certain experience, then cross the career off your list. With a bit of experimentation, you can find the perfect career path.

Take Courses

Through new education, you may be able to find the right career. But you don't need to go back to college to change careers or gain knowledge. If you want to discover new career options, take an online course.

You can find a variety of free or low-cost courses online. If you don't learn well online, you can take a course in person. Your local community college may have several interesting course choices. If you enjoy the course, you could be on the right path.

In addition to introducing you to a new career, the class might give you something new to add to your resume. Your further education could make you a more appealing job candidate.

Know Your Needs

Even if you're passionate about something, you might not be able to pursue it as a career. A job needs to meet all of your needs, or you won't be able to have a lengthy career. For instance, the pay might be too low for you to provide for your family, or the hours might not work with your schedule.

As you plan your career move, think about all of your basic needs. How much money do you need to maintain your quality of life? Do you have the means to attain the education needed for the job? Make a list of everything you need to be happy and successful.

Don't Let Nerves Keep You from Taking the Plunge

As long as you've done your research, you shouldn't let your nerves keep you from embarking on a new career. It might seem scary, but switching careers could be just what you need.

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