Tips To Cope With Stress At Work

Every job is stressful. Even if you love your career, you're bound to experience stress on a daily basis. You might have a tight deadline or be frustrated by a new policy. In any case, you need to know how to handle your stress. Otherwise, you're going to be unhappy and may become a victim of burnout. Follow these tips for coping with workplace stress and live a healthier, happier life.

Track Your Stress

If you want to manage your stress, you first need to understand it. Keep a journal of all the times you experience stress from work. In your notes, write down what brought on the situation, how you felt, and what you did about it.

Later on, analyze your entries. Is there a common thread? Find out what's the main cause of your stress and how you usually deal with it. By analyzing your patterns, you can come up with a plan for managing your stress.

Have Healthy Responses

There's a healthy way to respond to stress and then there's the unhealthy way. If your response to stress is to have a few alcoholic beverages or yell at your spouse, then you're using unhealthy coping mechanisms. Replace those responses with healthier ones.

One of the best ways to deal with stress is to exercise. Physical activity releases hormones that keep you happy. Whether you do yoga or go on a hike, your actions can reduce stress levels.

Other responses include playing games, reading books, and talking to friends. Once you find out what eases your stress, start doing it anytime you feel overwhelmed.

Get Better Sleep

The human body doesn't work well on little sleep. If you have poor sleep habits, you'll also have poor stress management. To limit your stress, try to get at least eight hours of sleep at night.

Practice other healthy sleep habits, like limiting caffeine at night and avoid screen time right before bed.

Have Boundaries

In this day and age, it's easy to work all the time. If you don't want to feel too much pressure from work, set clear boundaries. You shouldn't be available 24 hours a day. Tell your manager that you won't be checking your email during the weekends or late at night.

If you work a more demanding job, you might not be able to set strict boundaries. But you can still set some parameters to your work schedule. Make sure you give yourself some time to unwind and relax every week.

Recharge Yourself

No one can work all day everyday without burning out.  If you don't take time to recharge yourself, you won't last long in your career. You need to find a way to switch off from work and unwind.

First, find an activity that makes you feel rejuvenated. For instance, you might love fishing. The next time you get a break from work, go fishing for a few hours. Leave your phone at home and don't think about work.

Practice Meditation

When you need a quick break from work, you can meditate. This is ideal for people who work long hours and weeks. If you can slip away for ten minutes, you can meditate and set your mind right.

Meditation is easier than you might imagine. If you like using technology, you can download a Meditation app. Spend at least five minutes a day meditating, and you'll reduce your stress levels.

Speak with Your Manager

Employers are aware of the importance of the mental and physical well-being of their employees. So if you're experiencing high stress levels, talk to your manager. Let them know what you've tried to relieve stress and give them an opportunity to help you.

When you speak with your manager, don't make it a complaint fest. Simply let them know about your stressors and work on creating a plan for it. It may be as simple as using better time management practices. Oftentimes, managers have experienced similar struggles and know how to help you.

Look for Outside Support

In addition to relying on your manager for support, you should also have a strong support system at home. Your friends or family members should help you manage stress. They might just listen to you vent, or share similar stories.

If you don't have a support system, work on creating one. You can go to therapy or make friends by joining a new activity.

Evaluate Your Company

If you've tried the above tips and nothing seems to work, it may be time to evaluate your employer. Is the stress level normal, or is it a result of unrealistic expectations?

A good organization respects its employees and cares about your mental health. Here are a few things your company should do to limit your stress:

Respect Boundaries

You don't get paid for working outside of the office. If you try to tell your employer that you'll be unavailable after hours, they shouldn't force you to be available.

Rather, a good employer respects your boundaries. They'll understand that you need a personal life as well as a work life. They'll be able to allow you to maintain a healthy work life balance.

Create a Sense of Belonging

For employees to be content, they need to feel a sense of community. Your employer should foster social connection and make you feel like part of a team.

When workers have a sense of community, they're more productive and healthy. Does your employer do anything to make you feel like you belong? If not, they're failing you.

Offer Employee Growth

If you're working hard with no chance of advancement, you won't be happy. An employer should have growth opportunities or they risk having unhappy employees. Does your company invest in employee growth? If not, it might be time to find a new employer.

Do You Need a New Job?

If your mental health is suffering because of your employer, it could be time for a new job. As you research new employers, make sure they put their employees first. In the end, this could be the ticket to less stress.

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