Top 10 Characteristics of a Good Leader

A good leader needs to check a lot of boxes. And while you may have a general idea of what it takes to be a good leader, you probably don't know the full extent of it. Learn more about the characteristics of a good leader and find out what you can do to be better in a management position.

1. Integrity

Every good leader needs to have integrity. If a leader has no integrity, the organization will suffer. This is a trait that some companies overlook, and it often results in failures. With an honest and loyal person in a management role, the company is headed in the right direction.

2. Gratitude

Why does a leader need gratitude? By being grateful for what you have, you can sleep better and have improved mental health. When your team knows that you're grateful, they perform better and are less likely to quit.

3. Communication

As a leader, you need to be able to clearly speak and write your ideas. This makes it possible for others to see your vision and follow your directions. Additionally, it's important for a leader to know that communication works both ways. While speaking and writing clearly are essential, so is listening to others.

4. Self-Awareness

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, but not everyone is aware of what they are. If you want to be the best leader you can be, you need to be aware of your talents and the cracks in your armor. You also need to use your self-awareness to be open to criticism, or you won't experience personal growth.

5. Delegation

When you're a leader, you need to be able to delegate some responsibilities and save some for yourself. Finding the perfect balance can be challenging. However, someone who is excellent at delegating is able to delegate work in a way that makes the company or processes work smoothly. They encourage teamwork and help their employees succeed.

6. Influence

No matter how much your team respects you, they may need you to influence them every so often. You should be able to use certain techniques to convince your workers to complete tasks or follow procedures. At times, there could be some pushback to change. This is when your influence should come into play.

7. Quick Learner

As much as you might want to have a plan for everything, you can't possibly be ready for every scenario. If you're a quick learner, you can adapt to situations and help the others around you learn new methods.

8. Empathy

A leader needs to understand what their team members are feeling and experiencing. However, some leaders forget what it was like or can't put themselves in someone else's position. If you have empathy, you can have a better understanding of your problems in the workplace. You also can have a better relationship with your employees.

9. Respect

For you to perform well and for your staff to succeed, you need to have respect for the people around you. When there's no respect, there's conflict and a lack of care in the workplace. To be a great leader, you need to not only have respect for those around you but also show it.

10. Courage

When you're a leader, you have the power to make a change. But that change won't come easy, and it takes courage to speak up about a problem or to introduce a novel idea. If you want to be a good leader and initiate change, you need to be courageous and unafraid.

Are Good Leaders Made or Born?

If you don't have the characteristics above, you don't need to give up on your aspirations of being a leader. In fact, most people believe that you aren't just born to lead. Some individuals are more natural leaders than others, but they still need to acquire and build leadership skills. With experience and self-improvement, you can become the next great leader.

Your organization could help you become a great leader. In some companies, there are mentorship opportunities and training. Over time, you can develop an arsenal of skills that makes you the ideal candidate for a managerial position. Even if you don't have a leadership position, you can still be a leader in the workplace.


When you collaborate with others, you build your leadership skills. Leading is a social experience, and you need to be good with people. While charisma can help you collaborate, you don't need to be an extrovert to work well with others. You just need to be willing to work on projects with others, and you need to communicate well with other team members. Every time there's an opportunity to collaborate, volunteer yourself for the project. The collaboration will prepare you for a better future.

Constantly Grow

If you think you're a perfect leader, you need to stop and reassess the situation. There's always room for growth, and a great leader doesn't stop improving simply because they have their dream job or they earned a high-level certification. As you work, you need to constantly fine-tune your leadership skills. Don't shy away from challenging opportunities because they could be what takes you to the next level. If an opportunity presents itself, jump on it.

Read and Listen

In today's world, there are ample opportunities for you to learn how to be a better leader. There are countless podcasts and blogs dedicated to teaching individuals how to be better leaders. When you're driving to work, listen to a podcast about being a leader. Download audiobooks from reputable people and listen to their tips about leadership.

Be Open to Criticism

Once again, being a good leader is about growth. And if you're not open to criticism, you can never grow. The next time a manager or coworker criticizes you, have an open mind.

Find the Right Job Opportunities

Finally, you can be a better leader by finding the right job opportunities. When you're ready for a promotion, talk to your boss or start looking for a new position. The right role could help you be a great leader.

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