What To Consider Before Returning to Your Old Job

During the Great Resignation, many people left their employers in search of greener pastures. Some of the individuals who quit did so for good reasons, but others did so and grew to regret their decision. In fact, one study showed that about 72% who quit during the Great Resignation now regret their choice. Those individuals are now faced with another decision - should they return to their old job? Find out what you should consider before going back to your old job.

Did You Leave on Good Terms?

Before you reach out to your former employer, think about how you left. If you ghosted your boss or gave a 30-minute speech about how much you hate them, you probably shouldn’t return to your former employer. However, if you left on good terms, you should entertain the idea.

One of the most important factors to consider is the amount of notice you gave your employer. If you quit with only a few days of notice, you left your employer in a difficult situation. They would not be happy to have you return. However, giving your boss ample notice means they may still respect you. If you offered to find a replacement or helped train the replacement, you left on excellent terms. All of this is in your favor and makes your return more plausible.

A company doesn’t want to rehire someone who is a flight risk. Therefore, an employer won’t rehire you if you left on poor terms. They have no reason to think that you’ve changed or that you won’t leave them the next time you come across a better opportunity.

Did You Give Your New Employer a Chance?

No matter what industry you’re in, you should expect some challenges from starting a new job. It always takes time to adjust to the company, management, and role. If you’ve only been with the new company for three months or less, you should reconsider returning to your old job. You haven’t given the new employer a chance to prove themselves. Even worse, you haven’t given yourself a chance to excel.

Before you quit your new job, consider how long you’ve been there. You should also ask yourself if the job was as described. In some cases, an employer might mislead a job applicant by omitting certain duties or exaggerating roles. If this was the case, you should seriously consider leaving the new employer. But if they were up-front and honest during the interview, you may just need to give the job more time.

If you’re unhappy because of management or a co-worker, assess the situation. Have you spoken to anyone about the issue? Perhaps HR can step in and address the problem, or a manager may be able to handle a toxic coworker. Before moving on, you should make sure you’ve taken steps to remedy the issue. There could be a simple fix for the problem, and this may drastically improve your job.

Why Did You Leave Your Former Employer?

You might realize that it’s time to leave your new employer. But before you go back to your old employer, consider your reasons for leaving. Oftentimes, a little time is enough for people to forget how bad a situation was. Spend some time thinking about the real reasons you left your former employer. Unless the company underwent significant changes, you can expect the same challenges as before.

Can you imagine yourself being happy in your old job? No matter how unhappy you are with your current job, you shouldn’t leave it for your old position unless you’ll be happy there. If you make the wrong decision, you’ll end up in a job you dislike and with a resume that makes you look like a flight risk.

It’s important to realize that a company changes over time. If it’s been a year since you worked at the company, everything could be different now. Reach out to former coworkers and find out about the current situation. If you don’t know anyone who still works there, look at online reviews from employees. You should also look at the company’s financial health. If the company is having tough times, you might want to refrain from returning. They could be close to a layoff.

What Do You Want To Gain?

Think about all of the reasons you want to go back to your old position. At first, this might seem like an easy question. However, coming up with the answer could be difficult. Why are you really leaving your new employer, and what do you expect to benefit from returning to your former employer?

By asking this question, you can evaluate whether or not you’d be better off applying for a job at a different company. For instance, you might realize that you want to gain more responsibility. If you return to your old job, they may not be able to offer you a role that gives you increased responsibility. Or, you might be hoping to have a higher salary. If your former employer has never been able to pay well, they probably won’t be able to help you accomplish your goal.

On the other hand, your former employer may be able to give you exactly what you need. In that case, you should consider returning to them.

Should You Apply to Other Companies First?

Under most circumstances, you should consider applying to other companies before you decide to return to your former employer. Doing so allows you to see what other options are available. As you apply for jobs, you could find that the grass truly is greener elsewhere. You could come across the perfect opportunity.

If you don’t find anything that appeals to you, then it may be time to speak with your former employer. Have a candid conversation about why you left, and explain why you think things will be different. If the company changed or you genuinely made a mistake in leaving, you might be able to return to your old position and be truly happy.

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