What to Do When You Can't Find a Job

After months of searching for a job, you might feel disheartened. How much rejection can one person take before they give up? Unfortunately, there is no giving up when it comes to the job search. To help you push forward during tough times, follow these tips.

Take a Time Out

If you feel like giving up, it might be time to take a break. You don't need to quit the job search completely, but give yourself some time off. Take one or two days to do something that helps you relax, and you can jump back into the job hunt feeling refreshed. Your new, positive energy could make all the difference.

Work for a Temp Agency

Temp work could be the key to your next job offer. When you work for a Temp agency, you accomplish a few important things. First, you make connections at other companies. If you do your job well, a co-worker or manager could recommend you for a position somewhere else.

Secondly, you improve your own skills. Temping can give you the chance to work in a variety of positions. While you're working, you can learn new skills and advance current skills.

Finally, temping removes gaps from your resume. During your next interview, you won't need to struggle to explain why you have a six month gap in between jobs.

Move to a New City

This isn't an option for everyone. But in some cases, moving is all you need to get a job offer. If you're in a small town and are in the market for a very specific job, you should consider moving to a place with more opportunity. After a quick online search, you can find out what cities have the most job offers. Consider moving to those cities to open up new doors.

Work on Your Internet Presence

Regardless of your current industry, you should have a good online presence. Employers often look at social media accounts before deciding to interview a candidate. If you aren't getting work, it could be due to an unprofessional social media account or an outdated professional page. Spend a few hours updating and editing your online presence.

Check Over Your Resume

Your resume is the first impression you give a potential employer. Unfortunately, job applicants don't often get a chance to redeem themselves if their resume isn't perfect. Mistakes on your resume or weaknesses could be why you don't have many interviews .

After you send out several applications and are met with silence, take some time to inspect your resume. Are there grammatical errors? Do the dates of employment make sense? Even if the resume looks good to you, ask a friend or family member to examine your resume. Listen to constructive criticism and make improvements to your document.

Improve Your Education

Are you lacking in a skill or certification for a job in your field? If so, this could be the only thing holding you back. Take an online course, go back to college, or attend a workshop. By furthering your education, you improve your chances of receiving a job offer. You also open yourself up to more advanced positions or new careers.

However you decide to go about improving your education, know that it will pay off. It might not have an immediate return on investment, but bettering your education gives you a brighter future.

Network with People

In between searching for opportunities and filling out job applications, take the time to network. Attend local events or network with people online. When you reach out to people in the industry, you can learn about new job opportunities.

Today, there are many ways in which you can network. Virtual job fairs, Facebook groups, and LinkedIn all provide you with networking opportunities. When you do find an opportunity, be social. Offer your advice and professional opinion, and you can stand out.

Customize Each Application

When people get frustrated with their lack of results, they often take shortcuts. To save time, you might send the same resume and cover letter to multiple employers. However, most hiring managers are able to tell when a candidate sends in a generic job application. They could hold this against you.

Although it takes more time to customize your application, your efforts will pay off. Make a few small tweaks to your cover letter to show that you read the job listing and researched the company. Additionally, you should create multiple resumes and tailor each one to specific positions.

Be Willing to Expand to Other Industries

Depending on your job title or industry, you might need to be more flexible with your job search. At times, the job market doesn't have your ideal position available. To adapt with the times, you might need to apply for a job with a different title or in a different industry.

Not all change is bad. If you need to expand your focus, consider what jobs appeal to you the most. It could be the perfect time for you to pursue your dream job. Even if you need to take a small pay cut, changing industries could be the best long-term decision for your career.

Practice Your Interview Skills

If you make it past the initial stage of the hiring process but keep getting rejected after interviews, you can improve your prospects by practicing. It's not easy to ace an interview, and rehearsing for it can boost your confidence and your chances of success.

Before you start practicing, look for a list of common interview questions. The hiring manager won't ask you every question on the list and they might ask some questions that aren't on the list. But you can get an idea of what to expect. Then, think about how you might answer the most common Interview questions.

For the best results, hold a mock interview with a friend, mentor, or family member. Ask for constructive feedback and make the changes as needed.

Attaining Success

You won't be unemployed forever! Stay positive and make whatever changes you need to make to receive a job offer.

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