Your Complete Guide to Working After Retirement

Life often brings unexpected things to your door when the timing is the worst. So, it might not surprise you to know that some people start retirement only to find out they need to return to work. But it's not easy to retire and then reenter the workforce. Find out what you should expect and how you can get back to work after you retire.

How to Handle Social Security

One of the most confusing aspects of retiring and returning to work is social security. When most people retire, they rely on social security to pay their bills. But the government only pays you if you follow their rules. You can claim a pension check and still return to work, but you need to be careful.

If you stop working at the age of 62 and then change your mind, you could have reduced social security benefits. If you're older than 66 or 67, you might be able to work without losing benefits. Unfortunately, you could be in a higher tax bracket and be responsible for higher Medicare fees. This only applies to those who rely on Medicare.

It all comes down to understanding the policies. Because policies change over time, you should familiarize yourself with the most current policies. You can always call and ask for clarification.

Why Would You Want to Go Back to Work After Retirement?

You may be wondering why people might consider going back to work after deciding to retire. However, there are many reasons people make this difficult decision. Here are a few examples:

Wanting more income to travel or help family

Needing more money to make home repairs

Having a sense of purpose

Reconnecting with people

Finding other ways to contribute

Discover a new passion

In reality, the reasoning doesn't matter. What matters is that there are benefits to returning to the workforce. After you reach the age of 65, you can improve your health by working. Individuals who continue to work have lower levels of chronic illness, slower cognitive decline, and reduced chance of depression.

What Challenges Face Older Workers

Going back to work at an old age isn't easy. Whether you're returning to the same field or you want to enter a new one, you will have some obstacles in the way. With that said, it's much easier to return to an old career than to enter a new one. You could freelance, take on a part-time role, or mentor someone.

In any case, the biggest obstacle could be technological advancements. Even if you spent 30 years in an industry, you may not recognize some of the new technology or processes. Learning all of the new advances could be overwhelming and stressful.

There's also age discrimination to consider. When you go in for an interview, the hiring manager may not appreciate your age. They could make assumptions about you, which ultimately leads them to pick someone else for the role.

Tips for Returning Back to Work

If you plan on going back to work after retiring, you can follow a few simple tips. They won't guarantee you a job offer, but they will help you overcome obstacles.


There are easy ways to add to your resume and appear relevant in the field. If you want to enter a new profession, this is particularly important. You can take college courses, get a relevant certification, or take a free online class. Today, e-learning from reputable organizations qualifies as education.

Know How to Sell Your Value

First of all, you need to know your value. If you don't feel confident in yourself, you need to step back and think about your skills and assets. What makes you unique? You probably have years of experience, and there's no way for other job candidates to compare to you.

As you apply for jobs, remember your value. Use these as talking points in your resume and during the job interview. It's essential that you highlight your talents to prevent a hiring manager from overlooking you as a candidate. When you arrive at an interview, be confident and proud. Use real examples to show your skills, and make it clear that you’re willing to learn.

Update Your Resume

Perhaps one of the easiest to follow, this tip also has a significant impact on your job search efforts. When you want to return to work after you retire, you need to consider the state of your resume. You shouldn't have a six-page document that talks about every job you ever had. Rather, you need to edit your resume to make it relevant.

A good resume is only one or two pages long. If you've been retired for years, include details about your retirement. Did you volunteer at a shelter, or help your child with their business? Include anything that shows you have the right experience for the job.

Spend Time Networking

When it comes to finding a job, networking is one of the most useful tools. You probably have hundreds of contacts who can help you find work; you just need to let them know that you're looking for a job.

Start off by reaching out to your friends, family, and former colleagues. Although you should let them know that you're looking for work, you should also just reconnect with them. Offer to meet up for coffee or lunch.

You can also network with new people by attending industry events. When there's an event, make your presence known. Speak with as many people as you can and make sure they remember you. If you show excitement and passion, you'll make an impact.

Job opportunities probably won't come to you. If you want to get results, you need to search for jobs online. Even though it may not be your favorite way to find a job, online searching could be the ticket to your next job. Familiarize yourself with job search sites and platforms, and get your resume out there.

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